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Tag: python - Articles:

A review of HTML linters

... and how to use them in CI pipelines. Overview Introduction / motivation HTML linters and their usage W3C v.Nu HTML checker html-tidy htmlhint html-validate LintHTML html-eslint Evaluating HTML linters on reference pages Conclusion Related tools & readings HTML Doctype - Author: Seobility - License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Overview HTML linters: W3C v …

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Quelques sites web que j'ai conçu

Au cours des 18 derniers mois, j'ai eu l'occasion de concevoir plusieurs sites web pour des proches et des associations où je suis bénévole. Dans cet article, je reviens sur mes choix de solutions pour les mettre en place, et partage mes réflexions concernant les alternatives pour concevoir de "petits …

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Another animated dungeon: The Sky-Blind Spire

Following last week animated PDF adventure, I have been reading a series of one page dungeons... And yesterday I had the opportunity to play the best one in my opinion: The Sky-Blind Spire by Michael Prescott. It has everything I love on one page: a maze to explore, mysteries to …

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Animated one-page-dungeon : Escape of the Torment

Last week, while translating John Harper's micro-TTRPG World of Dungeons: Turbo Breakers, I discovered the wonderful world of one page dungeons, starting with Michael Prescott splendid production at and also the yearly One Page Dungeon Context. While crawling through the OPDC 2021 entries, I discovered a great map …

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Hacktoberfest on fpdf2 & v2.4.6

Last month, I realized late that October was hacktoberfest month! This online event is a month-long celebration (October 1-31) of open source software run in partnership with different software companies, with a focus on encouraging contributions to open source projects. While I participated in the 2019 edition as a contributor …

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Bonnes pratiques Gitlab CI

À E-voyageurs Technologies, je travaille au sein d'une équipe en charge de l'usine logicielle, qui administre depuis plusieurs années une instance Gitlab self-hosted. Cet article contient quelques-unes de nos recommandations à l'intention des utilisateurs de notre Gitlab, ayant pour but à la fois améliorer les performances de leurs pipelines …

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Live demo for Hesperides!

Today I finally took the time to put up a live demo website for Hesperides! Hesperides is an open source tool dedicated to configuration management: it stores applications properties and mustache templates for configurations files. It is strongly hierarchized based on few main concepts: modules, applications …

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Undying Dusk : a PDF video game

Undying Dusk is a video game in a PDF format, with a gameplay based on exploration and logic puzzles, in the tradition of dungeon crawlers. A curse set by the Empress keeps the world in an eternal dusk. You have recently found shelter in an eerie monastery. Featuring: ~ 200 000 …

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fpdf2 release 2.2.0

Today, I am happy to announce a new version 2.2.0 of fpdf2 ! Doc: During the last few months, I contributed a few improvements to fpdf2, David Ankin fork of PyFPDF, the user-friendly Python library to generate PDFs: from …

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Pelican, Pingback and Webmentions

Linkback protocols are an old breed. They were born in a time where MySpace, Wikipedia & WordPress had just been launched, and Friendster was more popular than this new website called Facebook. Diagram source: PPRuNe article on linkbacks The latest linkback protocol, Webmention, is relatively recent though, as it became a …

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Using python requests-futures to crawl all jobs on a Jenkins 4 times faster

At work, we needed to retrieve the full list of jobs a given Jenkins instance was hosting. Our first solution was to use the jenkinsapi Python package: import xml.etree.ElementTree as XmlElementTree from jenkinsapi.jenkins import Jenkins def get_all_jenkins_jobs(server_url): jenkins = Jenkins(server_url, lazy=True, timeout=30, username=os …

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GitHub project statistics and Python interactive coding

Iframes not supported. Click on the link below to access the graphs. The iframe above displays some graphs I've built last week, in order to get some insight on some GitHub projects issues & pull requests evolution. They are directly inspired by nf-core project activity statistics. Click here to open those …

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Listing all GitHub security alerts of a user's projects using GraphQL and Python

Almost a year ago, GitHub introduced security alerts. They are an awesome feature. They function as notifications you receive whenever a vulnerability affecting one of your project dependencies. But long after receiving a notification, how to list all security alerts affecting your repositories ? I didn't found an out-of-the box solution …

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Traduction du Temple du Non, une histoire interactive Twine du studio Crows Crows Crows

Crows Crows Crows est un studio de jeu vidéo créé en 2015, à l'origine entre autres du jeu complètement déjanté Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist et le créateur du studio, William Pugh, est également un des auteurs de The Stanley Parable. En 2016 …

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Python module imports visualization

flask httpie requests simplejson botocore scrapy docker-compose ansible What are those diagrams ? They show dependencies between the internal modules of various well-known Python libraries. They goal is to provide a global overview of a Python project architecture, as a map of modules & packages, the top-level code abstractions. Note that all …

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Certification développeur RGAA Access42

Connaissez-vous l'accessibilité numérique ? En très bref: L'accessibilité numérique est la mise à la disposition de tous les individus, quels que soient leur matériel ou logiciel, leur infrastructure réseau, leur langue maternelle, leur culture, leur localisation géographique, ou leurs aptitudes physiques ou mentales, des ressources numériques. Pour plus de détails …

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Extracting setup_requires dependencies out of a

I ended up not using this code, but it may be useful to others: import sys from unittest.mock import Mock class MockSetupProvider(Mock): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.captured_setup_requires = set() def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): self.captured_setup_requires.update(kwargs.get('setup_requires')) setup_extractor …

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Rendering deep text-based mindmaps with WiseMapping and Python

In this blog post, I'm going to demonstrate how to reuse WiseMapping HTML+JS rendering engine to easily visualize... text-based mindmaps like this one have many benefits they are readable as-it-is they don't require any tool to be edited [they follow the UNIX tenets]( …

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