Fantaisies programatico-ludiques

Adding content to existing PDFs with fpdf2

fpdf2, the library I mentioned in my previous post, cannot parse existing PDF files.

However, other Python libraries can be combined with fpdf2 in order to add new content to existing PDF files.

[EDIT 2024/12/17] : those examples are now included in the official fpdf2 documentation:


In order to demonstrate this using an actual example, I first generated a PDF of some code snippet using the src2pdf bash function described in an old article on syntax coloring:

PDF Logo
add_on_page.pdf (PDF 1 page 30 Ko)

And then I added the following official Python logo to it:

Python logo

There is the new_content function I used:

def new_content():
    fpdf = FPDF()
    fpdf.image("python-logo.png", x=0, y=120)
    reader = PdfReader(fdata=bytes(fpdf.output()))
    return reader.pages[0]

And there is the result: add_on_page_with_python_logo.pdf (41 Ko).