Fantaisies programatico-ludiques

World map of an open-source project contributors

I have been amazed recently at the diversity of contributors on the fpdf2 project, coming from all around the world!

Then I thought it would be nice to visualize this diversity by building a world map of all contributors locations. There it is:

Click on the image to access an up-to-date online version.

The web page is built by a Python script that queries the GitHub v3 API to retrieve all the locations of the project contributors, if this information is provided on their profile page.

Then LeafletJS and Leaflet Control Geocoder are used to place all contributors on a world map.

Finally, the page is built & deployed by the GitHub Actions pipeline on every push on the master branch.

I tried to make it easy to reuse for other projects, and it is under CC-0 license, so feel free to add a similar contributor world maps to your favorite open-source project!