... and how to use them in CI pipelines.
- Overview
- Introduction / motivation
- HTML linters and their usage
- Evaluating HTML linters on reference pages
- Conclusion

HTML linters: | W3C v.Nu checker | html-tidy | htmlhint | html-validate | LintHTML | html-eslint |
Age | 20 years | > 22 years | 11 years | 7 years | 5 years (fork of an 11 years old project) | 5 years |
Actively maintained? | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Reported issues | 1361 (79% closed) |
816 (77% closed) |
299 (85% closed) |
297 (82% closed) |
69 (73% closed) |
104 (84% closed) |
Number of rules | >❔< (hundreds) | 337 | 37 | 104 | 65 | 50 |
Written in | Java | C | Typescript | Typescript | Typescript | Javascript |
Version tested | 24.5.11 | 5.9.14 | 1.1.4 | 9.5.0 | 0.10.1 | 0.36.0 |
Fast? | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
Auto-fix? | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | only 2 rules |
Allow custom rules / plugins | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❔ |
Spot useful errors? | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
The last criterion was estimated based on the tests performed in section "Evaluating HTML linters on reference pages" below in this article.
Introduction / motivation
I have started writing this blog article 4 years ago, but never took the time to finish it until now.
Clearly, this is all about obsessive-compulsive static code analysis 😅, because checking HTML syntax is less necessary nowadays:
- when building websites, it has become common to use higher-level languages that get converted to "clean" HTML by intermediate tools: Markdown, reStructuredText, wiki markup, etc. Or even JSX/TSX templates for frontend developers. It's less frequent to write "bare" HTML directly.
- HTML parsers are very robust to errors: your current browser is perfectly able to render horribly broken HTML like this.
This other article dives more into this subject: Why is HTML linting not a common practice? @dev.to.
Now, we will have a look at the major open-source HTML linters, and then analyse how they compare to each other.
HTML linters and their usage
W3C v.Nu HTML checker
v.Nu, the Nu HTML Checker is maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). While it's running on Java, it is usable as Docker image or even directly as a binary.
Errors & warnings can be selectively ignored using a .vnurc
cf. their "Message filtering" wiki page.
As an example, the following code snippet installs & runs it in a Gitlab CI pipeline:
- apt update -y && apt install -y curl unzip # assume Debian distribution
- |
curl -ROLs https://github.com/validator/validator/releases/download/latest/vnu.linux.zip \
&& unzip vnu.linux.zip \
&& rm vnu.linux.zip \
&& vnu-runtime-image/bin/vnu --version
- vnu-runtime-image/bin/vnu --filterfile .vnurc --Werror --skip-non-html root/html/dir/
Sadly, they do not perform frequent GitHub releases,
they only override a latest
version: https://github.com/validator/validator/releases/.
This makes it difficult to "pin" a given recent version of this linter in a CI pipeline.
I think that html-tidy is the oldest HTML linter 🫡.
Sadly, it seems unmaintained: the latest binaries are from 4 years ago.
It has an interesting "auto-fix" feature (with -modify
making it the only linter I know able to auto-format HTML code.
The latest version allows to mute some warnings, but the exit code will still be non-zero, making its usage in CI pipelines difficult.
As an example, the following code snippet installs & runs it in a Gitlab CI pipeline:
install: # assume Debian distribution
- wget -O tidy-html5.deb https://github.com/htacg/tidy-html5/releases/download/5.8.0/tidy-5.8.0-Linux-64bit.deb \
&& dpkg -i tidy-html5.deb \ \
&& rm tidy-html5.deb
&& tidy -version
- tidy -errors -config htmltidy.conf *.html
Example of htmltidy.conf
// cf. https://api.html-tidy.org/tidy/quickref_next.html
char-encoding: utf8
newline: lf
indent: auto
indent-spaces: 4
wrap: no
drop-empty-elements: false
warn-proprietary-attributes: no
# Display message ID's with error reports, useful to filter them out using "mute":
mute-id: yes
htmlhint is a more recent, JavaScript-based alternative.
It is relatively basic and straightforward to use, but contains a relatively low number of HTML rules implemented.
As an example, the following code snippet installs & runs it in a Gitlab CI pipeline:
install: # assume npm installed
- npm install -g htmlhint
- htmlhint
Example of .htmlhintrc
"tagname-lowercase": true,
"attr-lowercase": true,
"attr-value-double-quotes": true,
"doctype-first": true,
"tag-pair": true,
"spec-char-escape": true,
"id-unique": true,
"src-not-empty": true,
"attr-no-duplication": true,
"title-require": true
html-validate is a serious contender when it comes to recent & Javascript-based alternatives.
In my humble opinion, it's the best among the "fast" linters, and comes second overall after the W3C v.Nu HTML checker.
As an example, the following code snippet installs & runs it in a Gitlab CI pipeline:
install: # assume npm installed
- npm install -g html-validate
- html-validate
Example of .htmlvalidate.json
"$schema": "https://html-validate.org/schemas/config.json",
"extends": ["html-validate:recommended"],
"rules": {
"unique-landmark": "off"
LintHTML is a fork of the unmaintained htmllint project.
As an example, the following code snippet installs & runs it in a Gitlab CI pipeline:
install: # assume npm installed
- npm install -g @linthtml/linthtml
- linthtml
linthtml --init
should generate a starting point .linthtmlrc
⚠️ However I already spotted some issue with the config parser 😅
html-eslint is an ESLint plugin for formatting and linting HTML.
It doesn't contain many rules, and based on my tests mostly report indentation errors.
As an example, the following code snippet installs & runs it in a Gitlab CI pipeline:
install: # assume npm installed
- npm install -D -g eslint
- npm install -D @html-eslint/parser @html-eslint/eslint-plugin
- eslint *.html
Evaluating HTML linters on reference pages
First, I tried to evaluate how much HTML checkers can be "picky" and produce "unnecessary" warnings by default, when checking some somehow "standard" web pages.
All the HTML checkers considered provide a way to "silence" those warnings using a configuration file, so even the "noisiest" HTML linter can be "tamed shut" 😄
The table below indicates how many rules are "triggered" by the HTML Linters considered, when evaluating some reference HTML pages:
HTML linters: | W3C v.Nu checker | html-tidy | htmlhint | html-validate | LintHTML | html-eslint |
google.com | 6 | 12 | 1 | 9 | 6 | 6 |
youtube.com | 6 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 9 | 5 |
MDN Learning Area | 3 | 1 | ✅ | 2 | ✅ | 2 |
Bootstrap album example | ✅ | 2 | ✅ | 2 | 8 | 3 |
Foundation web framework | 3 | 2 | ✅ | 4 | 4 | 5 |
Analysis details:
$ wget https://www.google.com -O google.com.html
$ vnu --Werror google.com.html
5.335-5.344: error: CSS: “display”: “inline-box” is not a “display” value.
10.410-10.410: error: Malformed byte sequence: “e9”.
10.923-10.923: error: Malformed byte sequence: “e8”.
7.909-7.929: error: The “bgcolor” attribute on the “body” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
10.43-10.48: error: Element “nobr” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
10.684-10.708: error: Attribute “width” not allowed on element “div” at this point.
10.709-10.714: error: Element “nobr” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
10.1180-10.1187: error: The “center” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
10.1188-10.1213: error: The “clear” attribute on the “br” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
10.1443-10.1481: error: The “cellpadding” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
10.1443-10.1481: error: The “cellspacing” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
10.1482-10.1498: error: The “valign” attribute on the “tr” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
10.1499-10.1514: error: The “width” attribute on the “td” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
10.1526-10.1554: error: The “align” attribute on the “td” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
10.1526-10.1554: error: The “nowrap” attribute on the “td” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
11.272-11.272: error: Malformed byte sequence: “e9”.
11.1080-11.1080: error: Malformed byte sequence: “e9”.
11.1162-11.1162: error: Malformed byte sequence: “c0”.
11.154-11.208: error: The “align” attribute on the “td” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
11.154-11.208: error: The “nowrap” attribute on the “td” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
11.154-11.208: error: The “width” attribute on the “td” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
11.960-11.987: error: Element “div” not allowed as child of element “span” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
11.1444-11.1444: error: Malformed byte sequence: “e9”.
11.1340-11.1378: error: Element “p” not allowed as child of element “span” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
$ tidy -errors google.com.html
line 10 column 30 - Info: value for attribute "id" missing quote marks
line 10 column 49 - Info: value for attribute "class" missing quote marks
line 10 column 76 - Info: value for attribute "class" missing quote marks
line 10 column 129 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab"
line 10 column 149 - Info: value for attribute "class" missing quote marks
line 10 column 201 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab"
line 10 column 219 - Info: value for attribute "class" missing quote marks
line 10 column 268 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab"
line 10 column 286 - Info: value for attribute "class" missing quote marks
line 10 column 350 - Info: value for attribute "class" missing quote marks
line 10 column 410 - Warning: replacing invalid UTF-8 bytes (char. code U+0009)
line 10 column 417 - Info: value for attribute "class" missing quote marks
line 10 column 484 - Info: value for attribute "class" missing quote marks
line 10 column 547 - Info: value for attribute "class" missing quote marks
line 10 column 684 - Info: value for attribute "id" missing quote marks
line 10 column 684 - Info: value for attribute "width" missing quote marks
line 10 column 715 - Info: value for attribute "id" missing quote marks
line 10 column 715 - Info: value for attribute "class" missing quote marks
line 10 column 745 - Info: value for attribute "id" missing quote marks
line 10 column 745 - Info: value for attribute "class" missing quote marks
line 10 column 775 - Info: value for attribute "id" missing quote marks
line 10 column 795 - Info: value for attribute "class" missing quote marks
line 10 column 878 - Info: value for attribute "class" missing quote marks
line 10 column 923 - Warning: replacing invalid UTF-8 bytes (char. code U+0008)
line 10 column 935 - Info: value for attribute "target" missing quote marks
line 10 column 935 - Info: value for attribute "id" missing quote marks
line 10 column 1011 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&passive"
line 10 column 1024 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&continue"
line 10 column 1057 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&ec"
line 10 column 935 - Info: value for attribute "class" missing quote marks
line 10 column 1105 - Info: value for attribute "class" missing quote marks
line 10 column 1105 - Info: value for attribute "style" missing quote marks
line 10 column 1139 - Info: value for attribute "class" missing quote marks
line 10 column 1139 - Info: value for attribute "style" missing quote marks
line 11 column 272 - Warning: replacing invalid UTF-8 bytes (char. code U+0009)
line 11 column 942 - Warning: missing </span> before <div>
line 11 column 988 - Warning: inserting implicit <span>
line 11 column 988 - Warning: missing </span> before <div>
line 11 column 1048 - Warning: inserting implicit <span>
line 11 column 1080 - Warning: replacing invalid UTF-8 bytes (char. code U+0009)
line 11 column 1162 - Warning: replacing invalid UTF-8 bytes (char. code U+0000)
line 11 column 1379 - Warning: inserting implicit <span>
line 11 column 1444 - Warning: replacing invalid UTF-8 bytes (char. code U+0009)
line 11 column 1505 - Warning: discarding unexpected </span>
line 7 column 909 - Warning: <body> attribute "bgcolor" has invalid value "#fff"
line 11 column 988 - Warning: Implicit <span> anchor "footer" duplicated by Tidy.
line 11 column 1048 - Warning: Implicit <span> anchor "footer" duplicated by Tidy.
line 11 column 1379 - Warning: Implicit <span> anchor "footer" duplicated by Tidy.
line 7 column 909 - Warning: <body> attribute "bgcolor" not allowed for HTML5
line 10 column 1180 - Warning: <center> element removed from HTML5
line 10 column 1526 - Warning: <td> attribute "align" not allowed for HTML5
line 11 column 154 - Warning: <td> attribute "align" not allowed for HTML5
line 1 column 270 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 5 column 1070 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 7 column 909 - Warning: <body> attribute "bgcolor" not allowed for HTML5
line 7 column 930 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 10 column 43 - Warning: <nobr> is not approved by W3C
line 10 column 684 - Warning: <div> proprietary attribute "width"
line 10 column 709 - Warning: <nobr> is not approved by W3C
line 10 column 1188 - Warning: <br> attribute "clear" not allowed for HTML5
line 10 column 1443 - Warning: <table> attribute "cellpadding" not allowed for HTML5
line 10 column 1443 - Warning: <table> attribute "cellspacing" not allowed for HTML5
line 10 column 1482 - Warning: <tr> attribute "valign" not allowed for HTML5
line 10 column 1499 - Warning: <td> attribute "width" not allowed for HTML5
line 10 column 1526 - Warning: <td> attribute "align" not allowed for HTML5
line 10 column 1526 - Warning: <td> attribute "nowrap" not allowed for HTML5
line 10 column 2279 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 11 column 154 - Warning: <td> attribute "align" not allowed for HTML5
line 11 column 154 - Warning: <td> attribute "nowrap" not allowed for HTML5
line 11 column 154 - Warning: <td> attribute "width" not allowed for HTML5
line 11 column 347 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 11 column 1521 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 11 column 2042 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 11 column 2833 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
$ htmlhint google.com.html
L10 |})();</script><div id="mngb"><div id=gbar><nobr><b class=gb1>Recherche</b> <a class=gb1 href="https:/...
^ The value of attribute [ id ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...ipt><div id="mngb"><div id=gbar><nobr><b class=gb1>Recherche</b> <a class=gb1 href="https://www.googl...
^ The value of attribute [ class ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...gbar><nobr><b class=gb1>Recherche</b> <a class=gb1 href="https://www.google.com/imghp?hl=fr&tab=wi">I...
^ The value of attribute [ class ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...le.com/imghp?hl=fr&tab=wi">Images</a> <a class=gb1 href="https://maps.google.fr/maps?hl=fr&tab=wl">Ma...
^ The value of attribute [ class ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...google.fr/maps?hl=fr&tab=wl">Maps</a> <a class=gb1 href="https://play.google.com/?hl=fr&tab=w8">Play<...
^ The value of attribute [ class ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...ay.google.com/?hl=fr&tab=w8">Play</a> <a class=gb1 href="https://www.youtube.com/?tab=w1">YouTube</a>...
^ The value of attribute [ class ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |.../www.youtube.com/?tab=w1">YouTube</a> <a class=gb1 href="https://news.google.com/?tab=wn">Actualités<...
^ The value of attribute [ class ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...ws.google.com/?tab=wn">Actualités</a> <a class=gb1 href="https://mail.google.com/mail/?tab=wm">Gmail<...
^ The value of attribute [ class ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...il.google.com/mail/?tab=wm">Gmail</a> <a class=gb1 href="https://drive.google.com/?tab=wo">Drive</a> ...
^ The value of attribute [ class ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...//drive.google.com/?tab=wo">Drive</a> <a class=gb1 style="text-decoration:none" href="https://www.goo...
^ The value of attribute [ class ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...<u>Plus</u> »</a></nobr></div><div id=guser width=100%><nobr><span id=gbn class=gbi></span><spa...
^ The value of attribute [ id ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...u> »</a></nobr></div><div id=guser width=100%><nobr><span id=gbn class=gbi></span><span id=gbf ...
^ The value of attribute [ width ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...div><div id=guser width=100%><nobr><span id=gbn class=gbi></span><span id=gbf class=gbf></span><span ...
^ The value of attribute [ id ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...v id=guser width=100%><nobr><span id=gbn class=gbi></span><span id=gbf class=gbf></span><span id=gbe>...
^ The value of attribute [ class ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...nobr><span id=gbn class=gbi></span><span id=gbf class=gbf></span><span id=gbe></span><a href="http://...
^ The value of attribute [ id ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...pan id=gbn class=gbi></span><span id=gbf class=gbf></span><span id=gbe></span><a href="http://www.goo...
^ The value of attribute [ class ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...span><span id=gbf class=gbf></span><span id=gbe></span><a href="http://www.google.fr/history/optout?h...
^ The value of attribute [ id ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...tp://www.google.fr/history/optout?hl=fr" class=gb4>Historique Web</a> | <a href="/preferences?hl=fr"...
^ The value of attribute [ class ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |... Web</a> | <a href="/preferences?hl=fr" class=gb4>Paramètres</a> | <a target=_top id=gb_70 href="htt...
^ The value of attribute [ class ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...ces?hl=fr" class=gb4>Paramètres</a> | <a target=_top id=gb_70 href="https://accounts.google.com/Servi...
^ The value of attribute [ target ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...lass=gb4>Paramètres</a> | <a target=_top id=gb_70 href="https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?hl=f...
^ The value of attribute [ id ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...tinue=https://www.google.com/&ec=GAZAAQ" class=gb4>Connexion</a></nobr></div><div class=gbh style=lef...
^ The value of attribute [ class ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...class=gb4>Connexion</a></nobr></div><div class=gbh style=left:0></div><div class=gbh style=right:0></...
^ The value of attribute [ class ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...Connexion</a></nobr></div><div class=gbh style=left:0></div><div class=gbh style=right:0></div></div>...
^ The value of attribute [ style ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...v><div class=gbh style=left:0></div><div class=gbh style=right:0></div></div><center><br clear="all" ...
^ The value of attribute [ class ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
L10 |...ss=gbh style=left:0></div><div class=gbh style=right:0></div></div><center><br clear="all" id="lgpd">...
^ The value of attribute [ style ] must be in double quotes. (attr-value-double-quotes)
$ html-validate google.com.html
1:1 error DOCTYPE should be uppercase doctype-style
7:915 error Attribute "bgcolor" is deprecated on <body> element no-deprecated-attr
10:35 error Attribute "id" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:44 error <nobr> is deprecated: use CSS instead deprecated
10:44 error <nobr> element is not permitted as content under <div> element-permitted-content
10:52 error Attribute "class" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:79 error Attribute "class" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:152 error Attribute "class" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:222 error Attribute "class" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:289 error Attribute "class" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:353 error Attribute "class" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:420 error Attribute "class" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:487 error Attribute "class" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:550 error Attribute "class" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:560 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
10:689 error Attribute "id" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:698 error Attribute "width" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:710 error <nobr> is deprecated: use CSS instead deprecated
10:710 error <nobr> element is not permitted as content under <div> element-permitted-content
10:721 error Attribute "id" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:728 error Attribute "class" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:751 error Attribute "id" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:758 error Attribute "class" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:781 error Attribute "id" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:847 error Attribute "class" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:908 error Attribute "class" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:938 error Attribute "target" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:950 error Attribute "id" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:1069 error Attribute "class" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:1110 error Attribute "class" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:1120 error Attribute "style" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:1120 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
10:1144 error Attribute "class" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:1154 error Attribute "style" using unquoted value attr-quotes
10:1154 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
10:1181 error <center> is deprecated: use CSS instead deprecated
10:1181 error <center> element is not permitted as content under <body> element-permitted-content
10:1192 error Attribute "clear" is deprecated on <br> element no-deprecated-attr
10:1345 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
10:1450 error Attribute "cellpadding" is deprecated on <table> element no-deprecated-attr
10:1466 error Attribute "cellspacing" is deprecated on <table> element no-deprecated-attr
10:1483 error Prefer to wrap <tr> elements in <tbody> prefer-tbody
10:1486 error Attribute "valign" is deprecated on <tr> element no-deprecated-attr
10:1503 error Attribute "width" is deprecated on <td> element no-deprecated-attr
10:1530 error Attribute "align" is deprecated on <td> element no-deprecated-attr
10:1545 error Attribute "nowrap" is deprecated on <td> element no-deprecated-attr
10:1773 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
10:1807 error <input> is missing recommended "type" attribute no-implicit-input-type
10:1825 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
10:1993 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
10:2113 error Prefer to use <button> instead of <input type="submit"> when adding buttons prefer-button
10:2271 error Prefer to use <button> instead of <input type="submit"> when adding buttons prefer-button
11:174 error Attribute "align" is deprecated on <td> element no-deprecated-attr
11:187 error Attribute "nowrap" is deprecated on <td> element no-deprecated-attr
11:197 error Attribute "width" is deprecated on <td> element no-deprecated-attr
11:893 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
11:961 error <div> element is not permitted as content under <span> element-permitted-content
11:965 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
11:993 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
11:1341 error <p> element is not permitted as content under <span> element-permitted-content
11:1343 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
$ linthtml google.com.html
13:1804 error Incorrect indentation for `html` beginning at L13:C1804. Expected `<\html>` to be at an indentation of 0 but was found at 1803. indent-style
1:82 error Incorrect indentation for `head` beginning at L1:C82. Expected `<head>` to be at an indentation of 4 but was found at 81. indent-style
1:88 error Incorrect indentation for `meta` beginning at L1:C88. Expected `<meta>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 87. indent-style
4:479 error Incorrect indentation for `script` beginning at L4:C479. Expected `<\script>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 478. indent-style
5:1 error Incorrect indentation for `style` beginning at L5:C1. Expected `<\style>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 0. indent-style
4:488 error The tag <style> is banned and should not be used
5:9 error The tag <style> is banned and should not be used
7:893 error Incorrect indentation for `script` beginning at L7:C893. Expected `<\script>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 892. indent-style
7:915 error The attribute "bgcolor" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
13:1797 error Incorrect indentation for `body` beginning at L13:C1797. Expected `<\body>` to be at an indentation of 4 but was found at 1796. indent-style
7:930 error Incorrect indentation for `script` beginning at L7:C930. Expected `<script>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 929. indent-style
10:38 error The attribute "id" is not double quoted
10:49 error The tag <b> is banned and should not be used
10:58 error The attribute "class" is not double quoted
10:85 error The attribute "class" is not double quoted
10:158 error The attribute "class" is not double quoted
10:228 error The attribute "class" is not double quoted
10:295 error The attribute "class" is not double quoted
10:359 error The attribute "class" is not double quoted
10:426 error The attribute "class" is not double quoted
10:493 error The attribute "class" is not double quoted
10:560 error The attribute "style" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
10:556 error The attribute "class" is not double quoted
10:698 error The attribute "width" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
10:692 error The attribute "id" is not double quoted
10:704 error The attribute "width" is not double quoted
10:724 error The attribute "id" is not double quoted
10:734 error The attribute "class" is not double quoted
10:754 error The attribute "id" is not double quoted
10:764 error The attribute "class" is not double quoted
10:784 error The attribute "id" is not double quoted
10:853 error The attribute "class" is not double quoted
10:914 error The attribute "class" is not double quoted
10:945 error The attribute "target" is not double quoted
10:953 error The attribute "id" is not double quoted
10:1075 error The attribute "class" is not double quoted
10:1120 error The attribute "style" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
10:1116 error The attribute "class" is not double quoted
10:1126 error The attribute "style" is not double quoted
10:1154 error The attribute "style" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
10:1150 error The attribute "class" is not double quoted
10:1160 error The attribute "style" is not double quoted
11:1512 error Incorrect indentation for `center` beginning at L11:C1512. Expected `<\center>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 1511. indent-style
10:1188 error Incorrect indentation for `br` beginning at L10:C1188. Expected `<br>` to be at an indentation of 12 but was found at 1187. indent-style
10:1219 error The value "XjhHGf" of attribute "id" does not respect the format: underscore
10:1345 error The attribute "style" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
10:1373 error The attribute "width" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
11:881 error Incorrect indentation for `form` beginning at L11:C881. Expected `<\form>` to be at an indentation of 12 but was found at 880. indent-style
11:288 error Incorrect indentation for `table` beginning at L11:C288. Expected `<\table>` to be at an indentation of 16 but was found at 287. indent-style
11:283 error Incorrect indentation for `tr` beginning at L11:C283. Expected `<\tr>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 282. indent-style
10:1503 error The attribute "width" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
10:1499 error Incorrect indentation for `td` beginning at L10:C1499. Expected `<td>` to be at an indentation of 24 but was found at 1498. indent-style
10:1530 error The attribute "align" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
11:149 error Incorrect indentation for `td` beginning at L11:C149. Expected `<\td>` to be at an indentation of 24 but was found at 148. indent-style
10:1555 error Incorrect indentation for `input` beginning at L10:C1555. Expected `<input>` to be at an indentation of 28 but was found at 1554. indent-style
10:1773 error The attribute "style" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
10:1825 error The attribute "style" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
10:1913 error The attribute "value" requires a value
10:1993 error The attribute "style" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
11:142 error Incorrect indentation for `span` beginning at L11:C142. Expected `<\span>` to be at an indentation of 28 but was found at 141. indent-style
11:135 error Incorrect indentation for `span` beginning at L11:C135. Expected `<\span>` to be at an indentation of 32 but was found at 134. indent-style
10:2171 error Incorrect indentation for `input` beginning at L10:C2171. Expected `<input>` to be at an indentation of 36 but was found at 2170. indent-style
10:2190 error The value "tsuid_Zy3YZ83uLebYkdUP0fCjoAw_1" of attribute "id" does not respect the format: underscore
11:38 error Incorrect indentation for `script` beginning at L11:C38. Expected `<\script>` to be at an indentation of 36 but was found at 37. indent-style
11:174 error The attribute "align" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
11:197 error The attribute "width" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
11:893 error The attribute "style" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
11:965 error The attribute "style" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
11:993 error The attribute "style" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
11:1036 error The value "WqQANb" of attribute "id" does not respect the format: underscore
11:1343 error The attribute "style" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned
13:1781 error Incorrect indentation for `script` beginning at L13:C1781. Expected `<\script>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 1780. indent-style
$ eslint google.com.html
...redacted for brevity...
$ wget https://youtube.com -O youtube.com.html
$ vnu --Werror youtube.com.html
1.16-1.195: error: Attribute “darker-dark-theme” not allowed on element “html” at this point.
1.16-1.195: error: Attribute “darker-dark-theme-deprecate” not allowed on element “html” at this point.
1.16-1.195: error: Attribute “system-icons” not allowed on element “html” at this point.
1.16-1.195: error: Attribute “typography” not allowed on element “html” at this point.
1.16-1.195: error: Attribute “typography-spacing” not allowed on element “html” at this point.
1.16-1.195: error: Attribute “refresh” not allowed on element “html” at this point.
1.686-1.739: info: Trailing slash on void elements has no effect and interacts badly with unquoted attribute values.
1.740-1.1023: error: Bad value “origin-trial” for attribute “http-equiv” on element “meta”.
1.740-1.1023: info: Trailing slash on void elements has no effect and interacts badly with unquoted attribute values.
12.728-12.796: error: Bad value “handheld” for attribute “media” on element “link”: The media “handheld” has been deprecated
21.417-21.473: error: Attribute “name” not allowed on element “script” at this point.
21.25747-21.25895: error: Attribute “autocorrect” not allowed on element “input” at this point.
21.25980-21.26033: error: Attribute “viewBox” not allowed on element “g” at this point.
21.30451-21.30472: error: Duplicate ID “youtube-paths”.
21.27048-21.27069: info warning: The first occurrence of ID “youtube-paths” was here.
23.15-23.210: error: Attribute “name” not allowed on element “link” at this point.
23.3336-23.3350: error: Duplicate ID “menu”.
21.25980-21.26033: info warning: The first occurrence of ID “menu” was here.
$ tidy -errors youtube.com.html
line 21 column 337 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&family"
line 21 column 371 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&display"
line 21 column 25502 - Error: <ytd-app> is not recognized! Did you mean to enable the custom-tags option?
line 21 column 25502 - Warning: discarding unexpected <ytd-app>
line 21 column 25511 - Error: <ytd-masthead> is not recognized! Did you mean to enable the custom-tags option?
line 21 column 25511 - Warning: discarding unexpected <ytd-masthead>
line 21 column 32909 - Warning: discarding unexpected </ytd-masthead>
line 21 column 34720 - Warning: discarding unexpected </ytd-app>
line 1 column 16 - Warning: <html> proprietary attribute "darker-dark-theme"
line 1 column 16 - Warning: <html> proprietary attribute "darker-dark-theme-deprecate"
line 1 column 16 - Warning: <html> proprietary attribute "system-icons"
line 1 column 16 - Warning: <html> proprietary attribute "typography"
line 1 column 16 - Warning: <html> proprietary attribute "typography-spacing"
line 1 column 16 - Warning: <html> proprietary attribute "refresh"
line 1 column 202 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 1 column 1024 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 2 column 153 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 11 column 10 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 12 column 1487 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 12 column 1643 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 17 column 10 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 17 column 139 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 17 column 310 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 17 column 475 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 17 column 618 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 17 column 783 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 17 column 887 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 20 column 10 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 20 column 114 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 20 column 247 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 20 column 404 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 20 column 525 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 10 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 139 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 242 - Warning: <link> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 417 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "name"
line 21 column 417 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 615 - Warning: <link> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 766 - Warning: <link> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 893 - Warning: <link> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 1097 - Warning: <style> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 1424 - Warning: <style> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 4559 - Warning: <style> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 5413 - Warning: <style> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 6312 - Warning: <style> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 6837 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 6940 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 24741 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 24867 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 24969 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 25080 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 25747 - Warning: <input> proprietary attribute "autocapitalize"
line 21 column 25747 - Warning: <input> proprietary attribute "autocorrect"
line 21 column 44980 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 45083 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 45188 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 45296 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 45401 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 45607 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 45715 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 45823 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 45927 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 46029 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 46361 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 21 column 82820 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 23 column 15 - Warning: <link> proprietary attribute "name"
line 23 column 15 - Warning: <link> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 23 column 4056 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 23 column 4159 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
line 23 column 4304 - Warning: <script> proprietary attribute "nonce"
$ htmlhint youtube.com.html
L21 |... height="18" viewBox="0 0 104 18"><defs><clipPath id="clip0_161_5084"><rect width="104" height="18"/>...
^ The html element name of [ clipPath ] must be in lowercase. (tagname-lowercase)
L21 |...61_5084"><rect width="104" height="18"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#clip0_161_5084)"><path d...
^ The html element name of [ clipPath ] must be in lowercase. (tagname-lowercase)
L21 |... height="18" viewBox="0 0 111 18"><defs><clipPath id="clip0_161_5078"><rect width="111" height="18"/>...
^ The html element name of [ clipPath ] must be in lowercase. (tagname-lowercase)
L21 |...61_5078"><rect width="111" height="18"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#clip0_161_5078)"><path d...
^ The html element name of [ clipPath ] must be in lowercase. (tagname-lowercase)
L21 |...18" stroke="grey" stroke-width="0.5"/><g id="youtube-paths"><path d="M30.125 0.570001V17.57H32.915V11...
^ The id value [ youtube-paths ] must be unique. (id-unique)
L23 |...or"></div><div class="flex-1"></div><div id="menu"><div class="menu-button skeleton-bg-color"></div><...
^ The id value [ menu ] must be unique. (id-unique)
$ html-validate youtube.com.html
1:22 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
1:738 error Expected omitted end tag <meta> instead of self-closing element <meta/> void-style
1:1022 error Expected omitted end tag <meta> instead of self-closing element <meta/> void-style
21:25183 error <iframe> is missing required "title" attribute element-required-attributes
21:34920 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:35340 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:35760 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:36180 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:36600 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:37020 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:37440 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:37860 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:38280 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:38700 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:39120 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:39540 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:39960 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:40380 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:40800 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:41220 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:41640 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:42060 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:42480 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:42900 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:43320 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:43740 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:44160 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
21:44580 error Inline style is not allowed no-inline-style
$ linthtml youtube.com.html
...redacted for brevity...
$ eslint youtube.com.html
...redacted for brevity...
MDN Learning Area
$ vnu --Werror mdn-learning-area/html/forms/datetime-local-picker-fallback/index.html
1.1-4.86: error: Non-space characters found without seeing a doctype first. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”.
1.1-4.86: error: Element “head” is missing a required instance of child element “title”.
1.1-4.86: info warning: Consider adding a “lang” attribute to the “html” start tag to declare the language of this document.
$ tidy -errors mdn-learning-area/html/forms/datetime-local-picker-fallback/index.html
line 29 column 7 - Warning: trimming empty <span>
$ html-validate mdn-learning-area/html/forms/datetime-local-picker-fallback/index.html
1:1 error DOCTYPE should be uppercase doctype-style
25:4 error <form> element must have a submit button wcag/h32
$ eslint mdn-learning-area/html/forms/datetime-local-picker-fallback/index.html
...redacted for brevity...
Bootstrap album example
$ tidy -errors bootstrap-5.0.2-examples/album/index.html
line 64 column 9 - Warning: trimming empty <span>
line 63 column 7 - Warning: trimming empty <button>
line 91 column 13 - Warning: <svg> proprietary attribute "focusable"
line 107 column 13 - Warning: <svg> proprietary attribute "focusable"
line 123 column 13 - Warning: <svg> proprietary attribute "focusable"
line 140 column 13 - Warning: <svg> proprietary attribute "focusable"
line 156 column 13 - Warning: <svg> proprietary attribute "focusable"
line 172 column 13 - Warning: <svg> proprietary attribute "focusable"
line 189 column 13 - Warning: <svg> proprietary attribute "focusable"
line 205 column 13 - Warning: <svg> proprietary attribute "focusable"
line 221 column 13 - Warning: <svg> proprietary attribute "focusable"
$ htmlhint bootstrap-5.0.2-examples/album/index.html
1:1 error DOCTYPE should be uppercase doctype-style
13:1 error Trailing whitespace no-trailing-whitespace
34:1 error Trailing whitespace no-trailing-whitespace
37:1 error Trailing whitespace no-trailing-whitespace
254:1 error Trailing whitespace no-trailing-whitespace
$ linthtml bootstrap-5.0.2-examples/album/index.html
...redacted for brevity...
$ eslint bootstrap-5.0.2-examples/album/index.html
...redacted for brevity...
Foundation web framework
$ vnu --Werror foundation-sites-templates/index.html
4.5-4.28: info: Trailing slash on void elements has no effect and interacts badly with unquoted attribute values.
5.5-5.76: info: Trailing slash on void elements has no effect and interacts badly with unquoted attribute values.
39.11-39.68: error: An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.
51.11-51.68: error: An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.
63.11-63.68: error: An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.
75.11-75.68: error: An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.
107.7-107.71: error: Bad value “navigation” for attribute “role” on element “ul”.
$ tidy -errors foundation-sites-templates/index.html
line 39 column 11 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attribute
line 51 column 11 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attribute
line 63 column 11 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attribute
line 75 column 11 - Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attribute
line 113 column 9 - Warning: trimming empty <li>
$ htmlhint foundation-sites-templates/index.html
1:1 error DOCTYPE should be uppercase doctype-style
4:27 error Expected omitted end tag <meta> instead of self-closing element <meta/> void-style
5:75 error Expected omitted end tag <meta> instead of self-closing element <meta/> void-style
39:12 error <img> is missing required "alt" attribute wcag/h37
51:12 error <img> is missing required "alt" attribute wcag/h37
63:12 error <img> is missing required "alt" attribute wcag/h37
75:12 error <img> is missing required "alt" attribute wcag/h37
107:30 error Prefer to use the native <nav> element prefer-native-element
$ linthtml foundation-sites-templates/index.html
2:13 error The value "no-js" of attribute "class" does not respect the format: underscore id-class-style
3:3 error Incorrect indentation for `head` beginning at L3:C3. Expected `<head>` to be at an indentation of 4 but was found at 2. indent-style
4:5 error Incorrect indentation for `meta` beginning at L4:C5. Expected `<meta>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 4. indent-style
5:5 error Incorrect indentation for `meta` beginning at L5:C5. Expected `<meta>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 4. indent-style
6:5 error Incorrect indentation for `title` beginning at L6:C5. Expected `<title>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 4. indent-style
7:5 error Incorrect indentation for `link` beginning at L7:C5. Expected `<link>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 4. indent-style
9:3 error Incorrect indentation for `body` beginning at L9:C3. Expected `<body>` to be at an indentation of 4 but was found at 2. indent-style
11:5 error Incorrect indentation for `Comment` beginning at L11:C5. Expected `<Comment>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 4. indent-style
12:5 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L12:C5. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 4. indent-style
12:16 error The value "top-bar" of attribute "class" does not respect the format: underscore id-class-style
13:7 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L13:C7. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 12 but was found at 6. indent-style
13:18 error The value "top-bar-left" of attribute "class" does not respect the format: underscore id-class-style
14:9 error Incorrect indentation for `ul` beginning at L14:C9. Expected `<ul>` to be at an indentation of 16 but was found at 8. indent-style
15:11 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L15:C11. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
15:21 error The value "menu-text" of attribute "class" does not respect the format: underscore id-class-style
18:7 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L18:C7. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 12 but was found at 6. indent-style
18:18 error The value "top-bar-right" of attribute "class" does not respect the format: underscore id-class-style
19:9 error Incorrect indentation for `ul` beginning at L19:C9. Expected `<ul>` to be at an indentation of 16 but was found at 8. indent-style
20:11 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L20:C11. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
21:11 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L21:C11. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
22:11 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L22:C11. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
23:11 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L23:C11. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
27:5 error Incorrect indentation for `Comment` beginning at L27:C5. Expected `<Comment>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 4. indent-style
29:5 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L29:C5. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 4. indent-style
30:7 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L30:C7. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 12 but was found at 6. indent-style
30:18 error The value "text-center" of attribute "class" does not respect the format: underscore id-class-style
31:9 error Incorrect indentation for `h1` beginning at L31:C9. Expected `<h1>` to be at an indentation of 16 but was found at 8. indent-style
35:5 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L35:C5. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 4. indent-style
36:7 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L36:C7. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 12 but was found at 6. indent-style
36:18 error The value "medium-8" of attribute "class" does not respect the format: underscore id-class-style
37:9 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L37:C9. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 16 but was found at 8. indent-style
37:20 error The value "blog-post" of attribute "class" does not respect the format: underscore id-class-style
38:11 error Incorrect indentation for `h3` beginning at L38:C11. Expected `<h3>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
39:11 error Incorrect indentation for `img` beginning at L39:C11. Expected `<img>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
39:11 error The "alt" attribute must be set for <img> tag img-req-alt
40:11 error Incorrect indentation for `p` beginning at L40:C11. Expected `<p>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
41:11 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L41:C11. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
42:13 error Incorrect indentation for `ul` beginning at L42:C13. Expected `<ul>` to be at an indentation of 24 but was found at 12. indent-style
43:15 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L43:C15. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 28 but was found at 14. indent-style
44:15 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L44:C15. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 28 but was found at 14. indent-style
49:9 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L49:C9. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 16 but was found at 8. indent-style
49:20 error The value "blog-post" of attribute "class" does not respect the format: underscore id-class-style
50:11 error Incorrect indentation for `h3` beginning at L50:C11. Expected `<h3>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
51:11 error Incorrect indentation for `img` beginning at L51:C11. Expected `<img>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
51:11 error The "alt" attribute must be set for <img> tag img-req-alt
52:11 error Incorrect indentation for `p` beginning at L52:C11. Expected `<p>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
53:11 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L53:C11. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
54:13 error Incorrect indentation for `ul` beginning at L54:C13. Expected `<ul>` to be at an indentation of 24 but was found at 12. indent-style
55:15 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L55:C15. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 28 but was found at 14. indent-style
56:15 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L56:C15. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 28 but was found at 14. indent-style
61:9 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L61:C9. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 16 but was found at 8. indent-style
61:20 error The value "blog-post" of attribute "class" does not respect the format: underscore id-class-style
62:11 error Incorrect indentation for `h3` beginning at L62:C11. Expected `<h3>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
63:11 error Incorrect indentation for `img` beginning at L63:C11. Expected `<img>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
63:11 error The "alt" attribute must be set for <img> tag img-req-alt
64:11 error Incorrect indentation for `p` beginning at L64:C11. Expected `<p>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
65:11 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L65:C11. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
66:13 error Incorrect indentation for `ul` beginning at L66:C13. Expected `<ul>` to be at an indentation of 24 but was found at 12. indent-style
67:15 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L67:C15. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 28 but was found at 14. indent-style
68:15 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L68:C15. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 28 but was found at 14. indent-style
73:9 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L73:C9. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 16 but was found at 8. indent-style
73:20 error The value "blog-post" of attribute "class" does not respect the format: underscore id-class-style
74:11 error Incorrect indentation for `h3` beginning at L74:C11. Expected `<h3>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
75:11 error Incorrect indentation for `img` beginning at L75:C11. Expected `<img>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
75:11 error The "alt" attribute must be set for <img> tag img-req-alt
76:11 error Incorrect indentation for `p` beginning at L76:C11. Expected `<p>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
77:11 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L77:C11. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
78:13 error Incorrect indentation for `ul` beginning at L78:C13. Expected `<ul>` to be at an indentation of 24 but was found at 12. indent-style
79:15 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L79:C15. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 28 but was found at 14. indent-style
80:15 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L80:C15. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 28 but was found at 14. indent-style
85:7 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L85:C7. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 12 but was found at 6. indent-style
85:37 error The attribute "data-sticky-container" requires a value attr-req-value
85:18 error The value "medium-3" of attribute "class" does not respect the format: underscore id-class-style
86:9 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L86:C9. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 16 but was found at 8. indent-style
86:29 error The attribute "data-sticky" requires a value attr-req-value
87:11 error Incorrect indentation for `h4` beginning at L87:C11. Expected `<h4>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
88:11 error Incorrect indentation for `ul` beginning at L88:C11. Expected `<ul>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
89:13 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L89:C13. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 24 but was found at 12. indent-style
90:13 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L90:C13. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 24 but was found at 12. indent-style
91:13 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L91:C13. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 24 but was found at 12. indent-style
92:13 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L92:C13. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 24 but was found at 12. indent-style
95:11 error Incorrect indentation for `h4` beginning at L95:C11. Expected `<h4>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
96:11 error Incorrect indentation for `ul` beginning at L96:C11. Expected `<ul>` to be at an indentation of 20 but was found at 10. indent-style
97:13 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L97:C13. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 24 but was found at 12. indent-style
98:13 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L98:C13. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 24 but was found at 12. indent-style
99:13 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L99:C13. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 24 but was found at 12. indent-style
100:13 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L100:C13. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 24but was found at 12. indent-style
106:5 error Incorrect indentation for `div` beginning at L106:C5. Expected `<div>` to be at an indentation of 8but was found at 4. indent-style
107:7 error Incorrect indentation for `ul` beginning at L107:C7. Expected `<ul>` to be at an indentation of 12but was found at 6. indent-style
108:9 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L108:C9. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 16but was found at 8. indent-style
109:9 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L109:C9. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 16but was found at 8. indent-style
109:41 error The value "show-for-sr" of attribute "class" does not respect the format:underscore id-class-style
110:9 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L110:C9. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 16but was found at 8. indent-style
111:9 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L111:C9. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 16but was found at 8. indent-style
112:9 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L112:C9. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 16but was found at 8. indent-style
113:9 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L113:C9. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 16but was found at 8. indent-style
114:9 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L114:C9. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 16but was found at 8. indent-style
115:9 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L115:C9. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 16but was found at 8. indent-style
116:9 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L116:C9. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 16but was found at 8. indent-style
120:5 error Incorrect indentation for `script` beginning at L120:C5. Expected `<script>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 4. indent-style
121:5 error Incorrect indentation for `script` beginning at L121:C5. Expected `<script>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 4. indent-style
122:5 error Incorrect indentation for `script` beginning at L122:C5. Expected `<script>` to be at an indentation of 8 but was found at 4. indent-style
$ eslint foundation-sites-templates/index.html
...redacted for brevity...
Second, I fed the HTML linters some common & "problematic" HTML mistakes, to see if they were able to detect them.
The HTML file tested can be found there: horribly-broken-page.html. It is served over HTTP there: horribly-broken-page.html.
The table below lists, for each issue of this HTML test file, if each linter is able to detect it:
HTML linters: | W3C v.Nu checker | html-tidy | htmlhint | html-validate | LintHTML | html-eslint |
✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
No lang attribute |
✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
No <title> |
✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
No explicit <body> |
❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
<link> with missing required attributes |
✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Multiple <main> blocks |
✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Unknown HTML tag | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Tag in UPPERCASE | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
Stray end tag | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Empty ID attribute | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
Duplicate IDs | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Duplicate attribute | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Deprecated attribute | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ |
Empty <figure> tag in body |
❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
figcaption without figure parent |
✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
Invalid item within list | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Improperly nested div , inside p |
❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
dt /dd without correct parent |
✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Of course this is not exhaustive: some linters include hundreds of checks! There is some "select bias" due to the fact that I selected some specific HTML issues.
Analysis details:
$ vnu --Werror content/test-html-linters/run-all-html-linters.sh
1.34-2.7: error: Start tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”.
1.34-2.7: error: Element “link” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “href”, “itemprop”, “property”, “rel”, “resource”.
1.34-2.7: error: A “link” element must have an “href” or “imagesrcset” attribute, or both.
5.1-5.6: error: Element “head” is missing a required instance of child element “title”.
6.1-6.6: error: A document must not include more than one visible “main” element.
9.1-9.7: error: Element “dummy” not allowed as child of element “body” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
15.1-15.10: error: Stray end tag “section”.
18.1-18.11: error: Bad value “” for attribute “id” on element “div”: An ID must not be the empty string.
22.1-22.15: error: Duplicate ID “MyID”.
21.1-21.15: info warning: The first occurrence of ID “MyID” was here.
25.1-25.17: error: Duplicate attribute “foo”.
25.1-25.23: error: Attribute “foo” not allowed on element “p” at this point.
27.1-27.17: error: Attribute “bgcolor” not allowed on element “p” at this point.
32.1-32.12: error: Element “figcaption” not allowed as child of element “body” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
37.3-37.5: error: Element “p” not allowed as child of element “ul” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
47.1-47.4: error: No “p” element in scope but a “p” end tag seen.
49.1-49.4: error: Element “dt” not allowed as child of element “body” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
53.1-53.4: error: Element “dd” not allowed as child of element “body” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
1.34-2.7: info warning: Consider adding a “lang” attribute to the “html” start tag to declare the language of this document.
$ tidy -errors content/test-html-linters/horribly-broken-page.html
line 2 column 1 - Warning: missing <!DOCTYPE> declaration
line 5 column 1 - Warning: inserting implicit <body>
line 6 column 1 - Error: discarding unexpected <main>
line 6 column 37 - Error: discarding unexpected </main>
line 9 column 1 - Error: <dummy> is not recognized!
line 9 column 1 - Error: discarding unexpected <dummy>
line 9 column 8 - Error: discarding unexpected </dummy>
$ htmlhint content/test-html-linters/horribly-broken-page.html
L1 |<!-- Empty `link` tag in body -->
^ Doctype must be declared first. (doctype-first)
^ The html element name of [ SPAN ] must be in lowercase. (tagname-lowercase)
^ The html element name of [ SPAN ] must be in lowercase. (tagname-lowercase)
L22 |<div id="MyID"><code>div</code> with ID <code>MyId</code></div>
^ The id value [ MyID ] must be unique. (id-unique)
L25 |<p foo="bar" foo="baz">This paragraph has a duplicate unknown attribute</p>
^ Duplicate of attribute name [ foo ] was found. (attr-no-duplication)
L41 |</ul>
^ Tag must be paired, missing: [ </li> ], start tag match failed [ <li> ] on line 40. (tag-pair)
$ html-validate content/test-html-linters/horribly-broken-page.html
2:2 error <link> is missing required "href" attribute element-required-attributes
5:2 error Landmarks must have a non-empty and unique accessible name (aria-label or aria-labelledby) unique-landmark
6:2 error Multiple <main> elements present in document no-multiple-main
6:2 error Landmarks must have a non-empty and unique accessible name (aria-label or aria-labelledby) unique-landmark
9:2 error <dummy> is not a valid element name element-name
12:2 error Element "SPAN" should be lowercase element-case
15:2 error Stray end tag '</section>' close-order
18:6 error element id "" must not be empty valid-id
18:6 error Attribute "id" has invalid value "" attribute-allowed-values
22:10 error Duplicate ID "MyID" no-dup-id
25:14 error Attribute "foo" duplicated no-dup-attr
37:4 error <p> element is not permitted as content under <ul> element-permitted-content
40:4 error Element <li> is implicitly closed by parent </ul> no-implicit-close
43:2 error Element <p> is implicitly closed by adjacent <div> no-implicit-close
47:2 error Stray end tag '</p>' close-order
49:2 error <dt> element requires a "dl > dt" or "dl > div > dt" ancestor element-required-ancestor
53:2 error <dd> element requires a "dl > dd" or "dl > div > dd" ancestor element-required-ancestor
$ linthtml content/test-html-linters/horribly-broken-page.html
12:1 error Invalid case for tag <span>, tag names must be written in lowercase tag-name-lowercase
18:6 error The attribute "id" requires a value attr-req-value
21:6 error The value "MyID" of attribute "id" does not respect the format:underscore id-class-style
22:9 error The id "MyID" is already used atL21:c9 id-no-dup
22:6 error The value "MyID" of attribute "id" does not respect the format:underscore id-class-style
25:4 error The attribute foo is duplicated attr-no-dup
27:4 error The attribute "bgcolor" attribute is cannot be used as it's banned attr-bans
37:3 error Incorrect indentation for `p` beginning at L37:C3. Expected `<p>` to be at an indentation of 4 but was found at 2. indent-style
40:3 error Incorrect indentation for `li` beginning at L40:C3. Expected `<li>` to be at an indentation of 4 but was found at 2. indent-style
40:3 error Tag is not closed tag-close
44:3 error Incorrect indentation for `p` beginning at L44:C3. Expected `<\p>` to be at an indentation of 0 but was found at 2. indent-style
43:1 error Tag is not closed tag-close
47:1 error Tag close does not match opened tag atC47:L1 tag-name-match
50:3 error Incorrect indentation for `code` beginning at L50:C3. Expected `<code>` to be at an indentation of 4but was found at 2. indent-style
54:3 error Incorrect indentation for `code` beginning at L54:C3. Expected `<code>` to be at an indentation of 4 but was found at 2. indent-style
$ eslint content/test-html-linters/horribly-broken-page.html
21:10 error The id 'MyID' is duplicated @html-eslint/no-duplicate-id
22:10 error The id 'MyID' is duplicated @html-eslint/no-duplicate-id
25:14 error The attribute 'foo' is duplicated @html-eslint/no-duplicate-attrs
33:1 error Expected indentation of 4 space but found 2 space @html-eslint/indent
36:1 error Missing closing tag for ul @html-eslint/require-closing-tags
37:1 error Expected indentation of 4 space but found 2 space @html-eslint/indent
38:1 error Expected indentation of 8 space but found 4 space @html-eslint/indent
39:1 error Expected indentation of 4 space but found 2 space @html-eslint/indent
40:1 error Expected indentation of 4 space but found 2 space @html-eslint/indent
40:3 error Missing closing tag for li @html-eslint/require-closing-tags
43:1 error Expected indentation of 8 space but found no indent @html-eslint/indent
44:1 error Expected indentation of 12 space but found 2 space @html-eslint/indent
45:1 error Expected indentation of 16 space but found 4 space @html-eslint/indent
46:1 error Expected indentation of 12 space but found 2 space @html-eslint/indent
47:1 error Expected indentation of 8 space but found no indent @html-eslint/indent
49:1 error Expected indentation of 8 space but found no indent @html-eslint/indent
50:1 error Expected indentation of 12 space but found 2 space @html-eslint/indent
51:1 error Expected indentation of 8 space but found no indent @html-eslint/indent
53:1 error Expected indentation of 8 space but found no indent @html-eslint/indent
54:1 error Expected indentation of 12 space but found 2 space @html-eslint/indent
55:1 error Expected indentation of 8 space but found no indent @html-eslint/indent
Overall, I would recommend using the W3C v.Nu checker: apart from its (relative) slowness, it's actively maintained, easy to setup in a CI pipeline and to whitelist some issues, while still getting relevant warnings with a wide range of checks.
However, note that "HTML linting" is very wide, and can cover all of the following goals:
- homogenize HTML code formatting
- detect HTML syntax critical issues, that could "break" content rendering
- detect security issues in HTML code (e.g. related to
usages) - detect accessibility issues in HTML code
- recommend "best practices", about HTML5 / document structure / accessibility / etc.
In the spirit of the "Do one thing and do it well" Linux principle, maybe the best approach should be to have "specialized" HTML linters that only address some of those specific areas, and combine them?
Related tools & readings
- There are also linters for HTML sub-languages & templates (e.g. pug-lint, djlint, jinjalint, ejs-lint, ember-template-lint...) or even web frameworks (e.g. bootlint,
ng lint
, eslint-plugin-vuejs, eslint-plugin-react for.jsx
files...) - it is very easy to add a
hook that invokes the W3C v.Nu checker using thepre-commit
CLI: example.pre-commit-config.yaml
- a collection of bad practices in HTML, copied from real websites: htmhell.dev
- a bookmarklet to help making semantic HTML: Construct.css
- Automated Accessibility Part 1: Linting @dev.to