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Tag: gitlab-ci - Articles:

A review of HTML linters

... and how to use them in CI pipelines. Overview Introduction / motivation HTML linters and their usage W3C v.Nu HTML checker html-tidy htmlhint html-validate LintHTML html-eslint Evaluating HTML linters on reference pages Conclusion Related tools & readings HTML Doctype - Author: Seobility - License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Overview HTML linters: W3C v …

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Setting up linters in Gitlab CI for C++ and Groovy / Jenkins code

A very short blog post to share some minimal code snippets on how to quickly and easily setup Gitlab CI pipelines to run static code analysis tools on C++ code and Jenkins pipelines (or any Groovy code). Linting C++ code with clang-tidy clang-tidy is a clang-based C++ linter tool that …

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Bonnes pratiques Gitlab CI

À E-voyageurs Technologies, je travaille au sein d'une équipe en charge de l'usine logicielle, qui administre depuis plusieurs années une instance Gitlab self-hosted. Cet article contient quelques-unes de nos recommandations à l'intention des utilisateurs de notre Gitlab, ayant pour but à la fois améliorer les performances de leurs pipelines …

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