Kanboard focuses on simplicity and minimalism
Can connect to your LDAP/Active Directory server or use any OAuth2 provider (Google, GitHub, GitLab...).
With traffic profiles where requests arrive in at periodic intervals, and a low total amount of requests, serverless architecture seems to be a great architecture in terms of cost, speed of delivery and effort. Thus, Lambda is probably the way to go if our application has sufficiently large periods of inactivity. Once the break-even point is reached, when EC2 is more cost-effective than Lambda, the cost difference grows rapidly, making Lambda less and less attractive in terms of cost. Thus, it is of great importance to know if the expected amount of traffic will be around the break-even point. Be aware of the CPU throttling you will get with the smaller memory flavors of Lambda. If your code is CPU-bound, choosing the smaller memory flavors might not be an option, since execution times, and thus latency, might grow beyond your requirements. On the other hand, if your code is I/O bound, the CPU throttling might not affect you significantly. Break-even point (if there is one, that is) strongly depends on the application itself. Without measuring the target application code, knowing the intended usage of the service, the SLA and the capabilities of the team in charge of building the application it is almost impossible to know for sure which service, Lambda or EC2, is more convenient.
Learning the best way of combining your love for math and programming
GitHub repo: https://github.com/ManimCommunity/manim
Examples: https://docs.manim.community/en/latest/examples.html
The other day, while watching La Carte aux trésors at my elderly neighbor's house, I casually played peg solitaire on a board she has.
After many failures at trying to get rid of all pawns but one, I started to wonder about the mathematics & algorithmics behind that game...
Back home …
cf. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fichier_de_test_Eicar
FROM: https://sebsauvage.net/links/?0rGdAQ
Pour vous amuser à en créer en Python, avec fpdf2:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# REQUIRE: pip install fpdf2 pdf417 qrcode
import fpdf, pdf417, qrcode
pdf = fpdf.FPDF()
pdf.set_font("Helvetica", size=30)
pdf.text(90, 20, "EICAR")
pdf.text(10, 60, "PDF-417:")
pdf.image(pdf417.render_image(pdf417.encode(EICAR)), x=10, y=60)
pdf.text(10, 140, "QRCode:")
pdf.image(qrcode.make(EICAR).get_image(), x=35, y=145)
J'ai testé cette fonctionnalité et ça fonctionne en effet très bien si vous avez un numéro de portable Free !
Un service robuste et gratuit de check d'URL toutes les 5min, avec notification SMS.
Juste magique 🪄 ✨
Ce blog voit l'apparition d'une nouvelle page permanente : Images libres de droits.
Cette page recense des site web, des illustrateurs, des icônes et des polices de caractères libres de droits.
Depuis octobre 2018, j'ai rassemblé une liste d'artistes dont j'apprécie le travail et qui placent leurs œuvres sous licence Creative …
J'ai eu l'occasion de jouer à l'excellent jeu The Crew la semaine dernière (As d'Or 2021),
et de battre à 3 joueurs l'ensemble des 50 missions !
Pour les amateurs du jeu qui en voudraient encore plus, The Deimos Adventure est une extension constituée de 15 missions qui a été publiée par l'éditeur en print & play. Une traduction est disponible ici : https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/208913/crew-deimos-adventure-fr
Il existe une autre extension de 25 missions conçue par des fans : https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/219773/crew-25-fanmade-missions-traduction-francaise
À oui.sncf
, je travaille au sein d'une équipe en charge de l'usine logicielle,
qui administre depuis des années une instance Gitlab self-hosted.
Cet article contient quelques-unes de nos recommandations à l'intention des utilisateurs de notre Gitlab, ayant pour but à la fois améliorer les performances de leurs pipelines …
Détail des informations stockées dans le QR Code du pass vaccinal européen
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import zlib
import pprint
# Modules tiers (Pillow, Pyzbar, base45, cbor2)
import PIL.Image
import pyzbar.pyzbar
import base45
import cbor2
img = PIL.Image.open("qrcode.png")
data = pyzbar.pyzbar.decode(img)
cert = data[0].data.decode()
b45data = cert.replace("HC1:", "")
zlibdata = base45.b45decode(b45data)
cbordata = zlib.decompress(zlibdata)
decoded = cbor2.loads(cbordata)
print("\nSignature ?\n----------------");
Petit retour de partie d'hier soir, où nous avons joué deux scénarios du jeu de rôle Sombre de Johan Scipion :
Ubiquité, scénario Sombre Classic de 60min issu de Sombre n°2, joué à 1 MJ + 5 joueurs
Diet Life, jeu de plateau Sombre Zéro, sans MJ, joué à 4, conçu …
The idea for SQLite actually came out of his frustrations with an existing database called Informix that was installed on a literal battleship
they said, “Well, do you have any pricing information?” “Well, look, I tell you what, let’s have a call tomorrow and I’ll get back to you on that.”
Of course, inside, I was like, “What? You can make money with open source software? How does this work? How do I price this? I have no idea how to do this.”Somehow or another, and I don’t know how this happened, Mitchell Baker, she’s the woman who runs the Mozilla Foundation, she got wind of this and called me up, says, “Richard, you’re doing this all wrong. Let me tell you how to set up a consortium.” She laid down the law, says, “Look, the developers have to be in control. Their decision is final. No voting rights on what gets to go into it. The companies that are using, they get the honor of contributing money, but you make all the decisions.” She was very adamant about this and she laid out everything. She’s a lawyer.
I actually started following some of their processes, and one of the key things that they push is, they want 100% MCDC test coverage.
That’s modified condition decision coverage of the code. Your tests have to cause each branch operation in the resulting binary code to be taken and to fall through at least once.I looked at Git, I looked at Mercurial, and I looked at my requirements and I thought, “You know what? I’m just going to write my own,” so I wrote my own version control system (fossil), which is now a project unto itself, and that worked out very, very well
Source : https://sebsauvage.net/links/
il est facile, en utilisant de multiples sites web, de deviner des numéros de carte bancaire valides, et de deviner également les dates d'expiration et le CVV (cryptogramme visuel).
Visiblement, le système VISA est sensible à ce genre d'attaque, mais pas MasterCard.
Le principe consiste à entrer le numéro de carte sur de multiples sites web, et d'essayer de commander
Source : https://sebsauvage.net/links/
Différentes solutions et exemples pour faire des onglets, carrousels, scrolling parallax, menus, galeries, tooltips et autres sans javascript.
Accordion / Toggle, Carousel, Flip on click, Info on hover/ Popover, Image Gallery, Menu, Mobile menu off canvas, Burger menu, Modal/Popup, Parallax scrolling, Tabs, Tooltips...
Source: https://sebsauvage.net/links/
I have been amazed recently at the diversity of contributors on the fpdf2 project, coming from all around the world!
Then I thought it would be nice to visualize this diversity by building a world map of all contributors locations. There it is:
Click on the image to access an …
Perhaps the most popular (or infamous) example of a shell namespace extension is the Compressed Folders extension, which handles the exploration of ZIP files. [...] Unfortunately, the code hasn’t really been updated in a while. A long while. The timestamp in the module claims it was last updated on Valentine’s Day 1998, and while I suspect there may’ve been a fix here or there since then (and one feature, extract-only Unicode filename support), it’s no secret that the code is, as Raymond Chen says: “stuck at the turn of the century.”
Unfortunately, there are degenerate cases where the ZIP Folders support really is broken. I ran across one of those yesterday. [...] Windows spent well over a minute showing “Calculating…” with no visible progress beyond the creation of a single subfolder with a single 5k file within. Huh? I knew that the ZIP engine beneath ZIP Folders wasn’t well-optimized, but I’d never seen anything this bad before. After waiting a few more minutes, another file extracted, this one 6.5 mb. This is bananas.
After some small reads from the end of the file (where the ZIP file keeps its index), the entire 11 million byte file was being read from disk a single byte at a time: