Ce cours a pour but de t’apprendre à parler le Python. Il s’agit d’un langage particulier — un langage de programmation — pour communiquer avec ton ordinateur afin de lui demander de réaliser des tâches précises (comme exécuter un calcul, récupérer des événements du clavier, afficher une image à l’écran, etc.), c’est-à-dire exécuter un programme informatique (un logiciel).
All of these images were synthesized using two machine learning models, VQGAN and CLIP.
A nice short game I had a lot of fun playing!
The gameplay is original and fluid, the level design excellent...
The game reminded me a little of Red Ronin in its mix of fast action & puzzle game.
Last month, I realized late that October was hacktoberfest month!
This online event is a month-long celebration (October 1-31) of open source software run in partnership with different software companies, with a focus on encouraging contributions to open source projects.
While I participated in the 2019 edition as a contributor …
The Ten Principles of Puzzle Design:
- make the goal of the puzzle easy to understand
- make it easy to get started
- give the player a sense of progress
- give the puzzle a sense of solvability
- increase the difficulty gradually
- have parallelism to let the player rest
- have a pyramid structure to extend the level of interest
- have hints in order to extend the level of interest
- give the answer
- perceptual shifts are double-edged swords
- Java 17
- Sealed Classes
- Pattern Matching for switch
- Java 16
- Record Classes
- Pattern Matching for instanceof
- Java 15
- Text Blocks
- Helpful NullPointerExceptions
- Java 14
- Switch Expressions
- Java 11
- Local-Variable Type Inference
- Java 9
- Allow private methods in interfaces
- Diamond operator for anonymous inner classes
- Allow effectively-final variables to be used as resources in try-with-resources statements
- Underscore is no longer a valid identifier name
- Improved Warnings
adversaries can attack the encoding of source code files to inject vulnerabilities
The trick is to use Unicode control characters to reorder tokens in source code at the encoding level.
Open source online whiteboard/sketch tool with hand-drawn look and live collaboration
In the end, we found that the maximum connections concept was too imprecise to provide the complete answer to the puzzle. In this article, we’ll describe other approaches such as load shedding that we found worked well.
A woman living in Kenya’s Dadaab, which is among the world’s largest refugee camps, wanders across the vast, dusty site to a central hut lined with computers. [...] A day’s work might include labelling videos, transcribing audio, or showing algorithms how to identify various photos of cats.
CLI to analyze IaC: Terraform, CloudFormation, Kubernetes, Helm, ARM Templates and Serverless framework
More details from a former Site Reliability Engineer at Facebook: https://twitter.com/RenaudGuerin/status/1445114486457880582
Cela signifie que vous devez comprendre ce qui est meilleur pour l’intrigue dans son ensemble, parce que nous donnons tous un spectacle les uns pour les autres, que nous le voulions ou non.
nous jouons des personnages sur scène, et nous les jouons bien – ce sont les marionnettes – mais nous devons nous souvenir que la scène doit mener quelque part, doit soulever des questions intéressantes et peut-être y répondre – et ça, c’est le domaine du marionnettiste
J'ai récidivé : ayant déjà traduit plusieurs courts jeux de rôle de M. Grant Howitt, je viens de publier une traduction gratuite, avec l'accord de Rowan, Rook and Decard, de son fantastique jeu Havoc Brigade.
Incarnez la Brigade du Chaos, une escouade d'orcs chahuteurs …
- The Mechanics
The player should not have to figure "what to do"
just "how to do it". - The Catch
Logical contradiction where 2 things are seemingly
in conflict with one another. - The Revelation
Think outside the box, about how the game works
This discovery becomes part of your toolbox going on - The Assumption
Lure the player that he knows how to beat the puzzle.
Why?- Gives the player a starting point
- Help to build a mental model of the puzzle
- Ensure the player fails the puzzle the 1st time
- Focus the player on the puzzle Catch
- The Presentation
Pretty minimalist, with few moving parts,
giving the feeling that it shouldn't be hard to beat
Also: provide clear feedback - The Curve
No puzzle is given to the player in isolation
Criteria to judge a puzzle difficulty:- Number of possible solutions
- Number of steps required
- Number of options a player can choose at each moment
- Number of mechanics the player needs to be familiar with
- Culture: mutual trust, willingness to learn and continuous improvement, constant flow of information, open-mindedness to changes and experimentation
- Automation: deployment pipelines (CI/CD), comprehensive test automation
- Lean: minimize WIP state, shorten and amplify feedback loops, look for opportunities to remove waste, fix errors as they are discovered
- Measurement: monitoring, system metrics, KPIs
- Sharing: sharing knowledge & practices, including successes & failures, learn from each other's experiences, proactively communicate, shadowing & pairing on tasks
Article passionnant décrivant un mode de jeu en campagne de JdR très séduisant !
Les joueurs envoient des messages au groupe en indiquant quand ils veulent jouer et ce qu’ils veulent faire. Un message du type « J’aimerais jouer mardi. Je veux retourner chercher ce monastère en ruine dont on a entendu parler après les Collines-Dorées. Je sais que Camille veut jouer, mais nous pourrions avoir l’usage de quelques bras supplémentaires. Qui est intéressé ? » Les joueurs intéressés interviennent et une négociation s’ensuit. Les joueurs peuvent proposer d’autres dates, d’autres endroits à explorer (« Je suis allé au monastère et c’est trop dangereux. »), peu importe – c’est un processus chaotique et les détails s’arrangent d’eux-mêmes. En théorie, cela reflète ce qui se passe dans la taverne dans le monde du jeu : les aventuriers parlent de leurs plans, trouvent des camarades pour les rejoindre, partagent des informations, etc.