Tag: unit-testing - Articles:

fpdf2 release 2.2.0

Today, I am happy to announce a new version 2.2.0 of fpdf2 ! https://github.com/pyfpdf/fpdf2/ Doc: https://pyfpdf.github.io/fpdf2/ During the last few months, I contributed a few improvements to fpdf2, David Ankin fork of PyFPDF, the user-friendly Python library to generate PDFs: from …

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Cross-browsers testing : zuul or sauce-tap-runner to replace testling by SauceLabs ?

Since July 2014, Substack great cross-browsers testing tool testling has been unavailable. Today I was looking for an alternative to use with ecovoit, my carpooling search engine. Saucelabs is a very interesting solution, and is free for open-source projects. Now I found 2 tools to easily launch your Javascript TAP …

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Mimicking testling HTML rendering of TAP javascript tests

This post is only relevant to you if you use browserify. For a good introduction to this powerful Javascript bundling tool, check this doc. First of all, I'd like to take my hat off to James Hallyday and Peteris Krumins who have built such amazing tools as browserify, testling and …

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