Fantaisies programatico-ludiques

Cross-browsers testing : zuul or sauce-tap-runner to replace testling by SauceLabs ?

Since July 2014, Substack great cross-browsers testing tool testling has been unavailable.

Today I was looking for an alternative to use with ecovoit, my carpooling search engine. Saucelabs is a very interesting solution, and is free for open-source projects.

Now I found 2 tools to easily launch your Javascript TAP tests to SauceLabs:

There is a comparison table to choose betwen the two :

zuul sauce-tap-runner
Project maturity 352 commits
20 contributors
<< 50 commits
1 contributor
Project vitality last commit 7 days ago last commit one year ago
Run tests locally zuul -- test npm run-script test-local
Configuration file .zuul.yml + .zuulrc test/sauce.js
Supported test frameworks mocha, tape, qunit, jasmine TAP
Module to interact with SauceLabs included SauceBrowser.js sauce-tap-runner downloads & launches the Sauce Connect JAR
Bonus points great tutorial including how to setup Travis CI with secured credentials