To illustrate my previous post and keep images at a reasonable size, I had to shrink down the top GIF from 14Mb to 3.2Mb.
Usually, online GIF converters will provide the ability to lower down the image dimensions. Another solution to reduce its size is to simply skip some frames.
To do so, I used ImageMagick wrapped in the following script:
gif_framecount_reducer () { # args: $gif_path $frames_reduction_factor
local orig_gif="${1?'Missing GIF filename parameter'}"
local reduction_factor=${2?'Missing reduction factor parameter'}
# Extracting the delays between each frames
local orig_delay=$(gifsicle -I "$orig_gif" | sed -ne 's/.*delay \([0-9.]\+\)s/\1/p' | uniq)
# Ensuring this delay is constant
[ $(echo "$orig_delay" | wc -l) -ne 1 ] \
&& echo "Input GIF doesn't have a fixed framerate" >&2 \
&& return 1
# Computing the current and new FPS
local new_fps=$(echo "(1/$orig_delay)/$reduction_factor" | bc)
# Exploding the animation into individual images in /var/tmp
local tmp_frames_prefix="/var/tmp/${orig_gif%.*}_"
convert "$orig_gif" -coalesce +adjoin "$tmp_frames_prefix%05d.gif"
local frames_count=$(ls "$tmp_frames_prefix"*.gif | wc -l)
# Creating a symlink for one frame every $reduction_factor
local sel_frames_prefix="/var/tmp/sel_${orig_gif%.*}_"
for i in $(seq 0 $reduction_factor $((frames_count-1))); do
local suffix=$(printf "%05d.gif" $i)
ln -s "$tmp_frames_prefix$suffix" "$sel_frames_prefix$suffix"
# Assembling the new animated GIF from the selected frames
convert -delay $new_fps "$sel_frames_prefix"*.gif "${orig_gif%.*}_reduced_x${reduction_factor}.gif"
# Cleaning up
rm "$tmp_frames_prefix"*.gif "$sel_frames_prefix"*.gif
$ for i in {2..5}; do gif_framecount_reducer Cloudberry-Kingdom-difficulty.gif $i; done
$ ls -sh *.gif | sort -r
8.7M Cloudberry-Kingdom-difficulty.gif
4.7M Cloudberry-Kingdom-difficulty_reduced_x2.gif
3.2M Cloudberry-Kingdom-difficulty_reduced_x3.gif
2.4M Cloudberry-Kingdom-difficulty_reduced_x4.gif
1.9M Cloudberry-Kingdom-difficulty_reduced_x5.gif
There are the results:
- Cloudberry-Kingdom-difficulty.gif
- Cloudberry-Kingdom-difficulty_reduced_x2.gif
- Cloudberry-Kingdom-difficulty_reduced_x3.gif
- Cloudberry-Kingdom-difficulty_reduced_x4.gif
- Cloudberry-Kingdom-difficulty_reduced_x5.gif
This function also rely on the gifsicle
command, that is dedicated to creating and editing GIFs. It can be more useful and reliable than ImageMagick identify
to extract information. E.g. you can extract the frames count this way:
gifsicle $gif -I | sed -ne 's/.* \([0-9]\+\) images/\1/p'