Fantaisies programatico-ludiques

Fun with Javascript string obfuscation

Inspired by this tweeter post by Marcus Lagergren and the JS1K competition, here is a valid Javascript code snippet for you obfuscated code lovers:


Just click here to check on what this snippet evaluates to.

This snippet has been generated by an home-made algorithm, whose goal is to produce Javascript code containing ZERO character, that outputs a string when evaluated. Maybe not very useful, but it's a kind of constrained code writing I guess :) I won't reveal all the tricks I used here, maybe in a later post. There is another one for you:


Again, click here to check its execution on

EDIT [26/11/2014] : Actually, I found out this is not breaking ground at all, there are actually plenty of similar crazy "NoAlnum" hacks & contests : Thanks to Thibault for finding out !

Now, the commented source code of my own generic ASCII-to-NoAlnum translator can be found on GitHub.

EDIT[19/12/2014] : there is an equivalent one for Python :

EDIT[3/03/2016] : funnily, the recent vulnerability Ebay has been exposed to relies on the very same trick, except that with JSFuck or hieroglyphy you only need 6 non-alphanumeric characters !

EDIT[27/11/2017] : more creative coding :