Recently we’ve heard a few people imply that problems stemming from undefined behaviors (UB) in C and C++ are largely solved due to ubiquitous availability of dynamic checking tools such as ASan, UBSan, MSan, and TSan. We are here to state the obvious — that, despite the many excellent advances in tooling over the last few years, UB-related problems are far from solved — and to look at the current situation in detail.
Another interesting simple solution, using JS atob base64 decryption function:
Or how I obtained direct publish access to 14% of npm packages (including popular ones)
I ended up not using this code, but it may be useful to others:
import sys
from unittest.mock import Mock
class MockSetupProvider(Mock):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.captured_setup_requires = set()
def setup(self, *args, **kwargs):
setup_extractor …
Used by to build and upload packages of Python libs depending on C extensions, before pushing them to a Nexus with repositorytools
Thème: les frontières
Les ingrédients : + trame (yarn) + écho (echo) + fumée (smoke) + couper (cut)
Deadline: 11 juillet à 11h59
Hello all.
This is an open request : does anyone know about equitable non-smart phones or laptops, ideally long lasting and for the laptops: easily repairable with open-source componants ?
I know about Fairphone, but I couldn't find anything similar for simpler "feature phones".
By the way, I stumbled upon their cost …
Le système pix2pix est de retour. Il y a plusieurs mois il permettait d'incarner des créatures monstrueuses à partir de dessins de chat, aujourd'hui il génère des visages humains.
Très intéressant et bien écrit.
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A lire aussi:
Bravo à tous les bénévoles qui gèrent le site !
Il a bien évolué depuis 2 ans, quand je bricolais mon agrégateur de sites de covoiturage Ecovoit' : il est bien + beau !
Le code source est sur Github, c'est du Ruby on Rails :
Une interview Framasoft d'un dev du projet :
En quelques clics JuriService répond à vos interrogations et vous propose gratuitement et anonymement une solution concrète : coordonnées du tribunal compétent, avocat obligatoire ou pas, formulaire officiel à remplir pour, si vous le souhaitez, entamer une procédure librement et sans frais.
This is simply not supported by solid research and evidence. Furthermore, the concept of “screen time” itself is simplistic and arguably meaningless, and the focus on the amount of screen use is unhelpful. There is little evidence looking at the impact of the context of screen use, and the content that children encounter when using digital technologies – factors that may have a much greater impact than sheer quantity alone.
For example, there is no consistent evidence that more screen time leads to less outdoor play; if anything the evidence indicates that screen time and physical outdoor activity are unrelated
Une petite prise de recul par rapport au choix technologiques emboitant le pas aux GAFAM, le phénomène de "cargo cult" et la méthodologie "UNPHAT".
"As of 2016, Stack Exchange served 200 million requests per day, backed by just four SQL servers"
"Software engineers go crazy for the most ridiculous things. We like to think that we’re hyper-rational, but when we have to choose a technology, we end up in a kind of frenzy — bouncing from one person’s Hacker News comment to another’s blog post until, in a stupor, we float helplessly toward the brightest light and lay prone in front of it, oblivious to what we were looking for in the first place.
This is not how rational people make decisions, but it is how software engineers decide to use MapReduce."
"if you’re using a technology that originated at a large company, but your use case is very different, it’s unlikely that you arrived there deliberately; no, it’s more likely you got there through a ritualistic belief that imitating the giants would bring the same riches."
"there are two different frameworks for thinking about intelligence:
- fixed mindset: intelligence is a fixed trait
- growth mindset: intelligence is malleable and can increase with effort
How do you change a fixed mindset?
- Reframe praise & success
- Reframe failure
- Celebrate challenges
- Ask about processes
"This gives us a new and more useful framework for combating impostor syndrome."
"do you tell your children that they’re smart? You’re ruining them!"