l’occasion des élections législatives françaises des 11 et 18 juin 2017, l’April relance sa campagne du Pacte du logiciel libre afin de sensibiliser les futur⋅e⋅s élu·e·s au logiciel libre.
Pour informer les futur⋅e⋅s député·e·s sur les enjeux qui y sont associés, et notamment sur les questions d’usage des logiciels libres et des formats ouverts dans les administrations et collectivités, nous vous invitons à participer à cette campagne en contactant les candidat·e·s et en les encourageant à signer le Pacte du logiciel libre.
Une nouvelle plate‐forme a été mise en ligne pour ces élections et la liste des candidat·e·s aux législatives a été importée.
This is a resource for sharing retrospective plans, tips & tricks, tools and ideas to help us get the most out of our retrospectives.
Une suite d'applications qui permet d'initier les enfants à la programmation et à la culture numérique. L'enfant crée des productions numériques telles que des jeux vidéo, des images/animations en pixel art, des histoires interactives.
“A distinguished engineer not only leads; they also take responsibility. A distinguished engineer will not throw any of his or her team under the proverbial bus to protect themselves, nor will the make technical decisions that involve a massive pay back later (technical debt) without explaining why and getting buy in and understanding for the decision.”
"PEP509 added a private version number... every dictionary has a version number, and elsewhere in memory a master version counter. And when you go and change a dictionary the master counter is incremented from a million to a million and one, and that value a million and one is written into the version number of that dictionary. So what this means is that you can come back later and know if it's been modified, without reading maybe its hundreds of keys and values: you just look and see if the version has increased since the last time you were there."
"Ansible is simple, which is a major strength", it "works by connecting to a server using SSH, copies the Python code over, executes it and then removes itself".
"Ansible Tower is the Enterprise version, it turns the command line Ansible into a service, with a web interface, scheduler and notification system."
"you can’t have long-running tasks." -
"StackStorm is designed as a highly-configurable if-this-then-that service. it can react to events and then run a simple command or a complex workflow."
"MongoDB can be scaled using well-documented patterns." "StackStorm extensibility system is a key strength." "If StackStorm were a programming language, it would be strongly typed." -
"Salt was born as a distributed remote execution system used to execute commands and query data on remote nodes."
"Ultra high-performance for large deployments." (LinkedIn use it)
5kb minified + gzipped
- Internal and external hyperlinks
- Automatic module reload
- Run demos
I once saw a high school teacher lead a simple, powerful exercise to teach his class about privilege and social mobility. He started by giving each student a scrap piece of paper and asked them to crumple it up.
bLazy is a lightweight script for lazy loading and multi-serving images, iframes, videos and more (less than 1.4KB minified and gzipped). It’s written in pure JavaScript why it doesn’t depend on 3rd-party libraries such as jQuery. It lets you lazy load and multi-serve your images so you can save bandwidth and server requests. The user will have faster load times and save data usage if he/she doesn't browse the whole page.
It's working in all modern browsers including IE7+.
Used by shaarli
Good browser compatibility & WAI-ARIA support
"This might seem strange, because most of the articles on microservices are extolling their countless virtues like decoupling tech systems, better horizontal scalability, removing dependencies between development teams, and so on."
"Usually, in growth-stage startups, the main motivation for moving to microservices is that hope that doing so will remove dependencies between development teams and/or improve the ability of the system to handle larger traffic loads (i.e., scalability)."
"As is often the case for tech people who have limited experience, they reach for a technical solution to a people problem, and decide they need microservices in order to reduce dependencies or coupling between dev teams."
Great lighweight alternative to a full-fledged CMS
"ELF is the dominating file format for Linux. It competes with Mach-O for OS X and PE for Windows.
ELF supersedes .coff, which supersedes a.out.
Minimal ELF file: In this example we will consider a saner hello world example that will better capture real life cases."
"Il y a un préjugé fort qui dit que les travaux manuels n’exigent pas de compétences intellectuelles. Prenons les serveuses, que j’ai longtemps observées. C’est, de loin, dans ses aspects cognitifs que leur travail est le plus difficile : elles doivent prendre les commandes, être en bons termes avec la cuisine qu’elles ne doivent pas presser, mais un peu quand même pour que les clients ne soient pas mécontents. Il faut retenir qui a commandé quoi, même si la personne change de place. Elles doivent gérer l’arrivée de nombreux plats en même temps, pour plusieurs tables. Elles doivent savoir servir le café sans renverser de gouttes sur la coupelle, ne pas oublier le sucre, ni la crème, etc. Elles doivent en plus assumer une certaine gestion émotionnelle, avec des clients pas toujours en forme, d’autres qui sont à la limite du harcèlement sexuel. Il faut qu’elles dosent leur degré de politesse, en étant polies mais pas trop. Le tout avec un patron qui ne les soutient pas toujours, et sur des horaires très fatigants, souvent tard le soir."
Since Spring 4.1, it is really easy to enable JSONP on an API controller:
@RequestMapping(value = "/")
public class MyController {
static class JsonpAdvice extends AbstractJsonpResponseBodyAdvice {
public JsonpAdvice() {
super("callback"); // name of the query parameter to use
@RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public MyAPIResult getStuff(...) {
There is no RFC …
What do you think of the following innocuous Python code ?
from gevent import monkey
monkey.patch_all(thread=False, select=False)
import requests
Guess what ? The string message will never get printed :(
Simply remove the monkey.patch_all
line and you'll …
OMG: WebAssembly is a Lisp dialect !!! -> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/WebAssembly/Understanding_the_text_format
"On February 28, the four major browsers announced their consensus that the MVP of WebAssembly is complete. Firefox turned WebAssembly support on-by-default about a week after that, and Chrome followed the next week. It is also available in preview versions of Edge and Safari."