Fantaisies programatico-ludiques

Tag: dependencies - Articles:

Bonnes pratiques Gitlab CI

À E-voyageurs Technologies, je travaille au sein d'une équipe en charge de l'usine logicielle, qui administre depuis plusieurs années une instance Gitlab self-hosted. Cet article contient quelques-unes de nos recommandations à l'intention des utilisateurs de notre Gitlab, ayant pour but à la fois améliorer les performances de leurs pipelines …

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Listing all GitHub security alerts of a user's projects using GraphQL and Python

Almost a year ago, GitHub introduced security alerts. They are an awesome feature. They function as notifications you receive whenever a vulnerability affecting one of your project dependencies. But long after receiving a notification, how to list all security alerts affecting your repositories ? I didn't found an out-of-the box solution …

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Python module imports visualization

flask httpie requests simplejson botocore scrapy docker-compose ansible What are those diagrams ? They show dependencies between the internal modules of various well-known Python libraries. They goal is to provide a global overview of a Python project architecture, as a map of modules & packages, the top-level code abstractions. Note that all …

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Extracting setup_requires dependencies out of a

I ended up not using this code, but it may be useful to others: import sys from unittest.mock import Mock class MockSetupProvider(Mock): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.captured_setup_requires = set() def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): self.captured_setup_requires.update(kwargs.get('setup_requires')) setup_extractor …

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