Fantaisies programatico-ludiques

Tag: code-quality - Articles:

fpdf2 release 2.2.0

Today, I am happy to announce a new version 2.2.0 of fpdf2 ! Doc: During the last few months, I contributed a few improvements to fpdf2, David Ankin fork of PyFPDF, the user-friendly Python library to generate PDFs: from …

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Pelican, Pingback and Webmentions

Linkback protocols are an old breed. They were born in a time where MySpace, Wikipedia & WordPress had just been launched, and Friendster was more popular than this new website called Facebook. Diagram source: PPRuNe article on linkbacks The latest linkback protocol, Webmention, is relatively recent though, as it became a …

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Analyse statique de code Java : Google Error Prone, Findbugs et PMD

Ce court article détaille comment mettre en place simplement 3 analyseurs de code statique avec Maven. Contexte Au sein de mon équipe à Voyages-Sncf, le nombre de composants Java est en train d'augmenter. Nous avons déjà toute une batterie de tests pour valider notre code, ainsi qu'un Sonar en place …

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