Today, I did some tests on a server where an old version of our project was deployed. At some point, I needed to identify which version of the code was there, and I wrote a pretty shell function to figure this out.
Yeah, I know what your thinking : there must be another way. Surely this information should be somewhere in your deployment system. Probably. But that's no excuse to skip a good git scripting exercise !
Ok, so here is the situation :
- a git repository cloned on my development machine
- a remote server without git installed
- a readable file on this server that originates from the git repository
Now, the idea is to compute the file hash similarly to git, and then find a commit for which git rev-parse
returns the same hash.
First thing first, lets build a function that does the same as git hash-object
but does not require git. You can check this SO answer or the details on how git compute blob hashes. Here is my solution:
git-hash-object () { # USAGE: git-hash-object [-t type] file
local type=blob
[ "$1" = "-t" ] && shift && type=$1 && shift
# depending on your git eol/autocrlf settings,
# you may want to substitute CRLFs by LFs first,
# by using `perl -pe 's/\r$//g'` instead of `cat` in the next 2 commands
local size=$(cat $1 | wc -c | sed 's/ .*$//')
( echo -en "$type $size\0"; cat "$1" ) | sha1sum | sed 's/ .*$//'
Ok, lets write our search function now:
git-identify-filehash () { # USAGE: git-identify file hash
local file=${1?}
local hash=${2?}
git log --format="%h %s" $file | while read commit msg; do
if [ $(git rev-parse $commit:$file) = "$hash" ]; then
echo $commit $msg - oldest tag including this commit: \
$(git tag --contains $commit | head -n 1)
Ok, I'm going to try this on the second-to-last version of pre-commit
, that is from commit c3c98af at the time I'm writing :
$ wget
$ git hash-object
# Lets pretend we are on a remote server without git:
$ git-hash-object
# Now lets identify this file hash in our repository clone
$ git clone
$ git-identify-filehash pre_commit/ e292c72c6c86e8809bd792a630e7f90ac811c385
c3c98af Support pre-commit from inside submodules - oldest tag including this commit: v0.7.1