The Open Source movement has always been focused on code. The result is a system that sadly neglects people. Many maintainers find themselves in a curious place. On one hand, we have people who regret seeing their code used for unethical purposes, but, because of the Open Source values they previously embraced, are unable to do anything except watch their code become weaponized. Others, perhaps not grasping that the gift economy has been usurped by more powerful forces, struggle to figure out how to make ends meet even as their labor creates immense value for others. We find ourselves in this position because the key Open Source values exacerbate an existing injustice: Because the OSI definition of Open Sources values the consumers of code over creators, Open Source helps concentrate power in the hands of already powerful actors at the expense of maintainers. I feel that not only could we do better, we have a moral imperative to find better development models.
The iframe
above displays some graphs I've built last week,
in order to get some insight on some GitHub projects issues & pull requests evolution.
They are directly inspired by nf-core project activity statistics.
Yesterday I was crafting some puzzles for my girlfriends, and I was looking for letter-based ones where I a secret word would be revealed once solved.
With this same goal, I had already once worked on an open-source JS word search generator:
(pour les francophones …
Over the past years, on software programming projects where my end users where developers (other than myself or my team), I have tried to follow the advice of this website : keepachangelog(.com)
A changelog is defined by Wikipedia as :
a log or record of all notable changes made to a …
Je crois que j'envisage d'écrire un article sur ce sujet depuis que j'ai créé ce blog ! J'ai retrouvé ces notes datant d'au moins 5 ans, déposées au fin fond d'un fichier texte :
Dans tous ces jeux, un des plaisirs principaux provient de la découverte, à deux ou plus, des règles …
Marble Marcher is entirely ray-traced in real time and is played on the surface of evolving fractals. The goal is to get your marble to the goal as quickly as possible. There are 15 unique levels to master.
This game is the result of a fractal physics engine I developed that allows fast collisions with fractals and other procedurally rendered objects. As far as I'm aware, it is the first game to ever use this technique. & GitHub pages in video description
It is not an abstract resource that can be depleted when overused. It is not magically maintained if left alone. It is based on the work of people, and we should not erase those people.
Nobody believes that a free toilet will be magically cleaned up and maintained, somebody has to do it, and that person would better get paid for it. Sharing a toilet means that you flush, clean up after yourself, and always leave some paper, it’s basic manners. And yet, like toilets, as FOSS gets used by more and more people, it gets more likely that you will see obnoxious people that shit all over your commons and then complain about it. And nobody will want to take care of it.
Logiciel open source de sondages, comme solution SaaS ou comme Community Edition auto-hébergée.
A noter qu'il y a des efforts en cours de la communauté pour améliorer l'accessibilité:
I really don’t care about your personal carbon footprint. I mean, please do try to lower it, because that’s a good thing to do, but fussing and guilt-tripping over one’s individual contribution to climate change is neither an intellectually nor a morally serious response to a global systemic crisis.
When Michael Young, a British sociologist, coined the term meritocracy in 1958, it was in a dystopian satire. [...] Today, however, we’ve almost finished installing such a system, and we have embraced the idea of a meritocracy with few reservations, even treating it as virtuous. That can’t be right. Smart people should feel entitled to make the most of their gift. But they should not be permitted to reshape society so as to instate giftedness as a universal yardstick of human worth.
Trying to fix a profoundly anchored cultural way of thinking and acting with yet another manifesto (cache) restricted to tech and open source is being blind to what is happening at a larger scale.
- Input injection
- Parsing XML
- Assert statements
- Timing attacks
- A polluted site-packages or import path
- Temporary files
- Using yaml.load
- Pickles
- Using the system Python runtime and not patching it
- Not patching your dependencies
Crows Crows Crows est un studio de jeu vidéo créé en 2015, à l'origine entre autres du jeu complètement déjanté Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist et le créateur du studio, William Pugh, est également un des auteurs de The Stanley Parable.
En 2016 …
Voici une petite dépêche que j'ai écrite sur le site LinuxFr :
I used to think Open Source was amazing. I've since come to realize just how awful it is.
My code is free — my time is not.
What are those diagrams ?
They show dependencies between the internal modules of various well-known Python libraries.
They goal is to provide a global overview of a Python project architecture, as a map of modules & packages, the top-level code abstractions.
Note that all …
This page contains a collection of small computer programs which implement one-player puzzle games. All of them run natively on Unix (GTK), on Windows, and on Mac OS X. They can also be played on the web, as Java or Javascript applets.
It is all distributed under the MIT licence.
My improved fork:
Alt in JS:
Alt in Ruby:
Plateforme de sondage libre:
- Créez autant de sondages que vous le désirez.
- Concevez des sondages adaptés à vos besoins grâce aux nombreux modes de scrutins supportés (Condorcet, Borda, Vote alternatif, Combs, Jugement majoritaire...)
Source code:
Awesome work, the editor + solver is fantastic to build you own puzzle !
My fork with minor improvements:
Une courte présentation que j'ai donné ce matin à l'école d'ingénieurs IMT Atlantique (ex Ecole des Mines) via :
(la navigation est meilleure avec les flêches gauche / droite du clavier)
Le code source …