Mon premier brouillon d'article sur ce jeu date d'il y a plus de 3 ans, et il figure en bonne place dans mes jeux de de rôle favoris. Après l'avoir fait jouer de très nombreuses fois, je veux évoquer aujourd'hui le génial Lady Blackbird (site officiel) de John Harper, dont …

Shogun Showdown is a turn-based combat game with rogue-like and deck-building elements.
A very good indie game based on tactical battles with deck-building elements and combos!
Again, it's a bit addictive 😄. You will have to adopt a different strategy on every run based on the initial moves you gain after the very first battles.
A final version of the game will be available on Steam, but it is currently free and very enjoyable.
It's a bit similar to Shotgun King
GUN GODZ is a first person shooter about gun, gangster rap and the rich culture of Venus. Players try to escape the jail of a hotel, which is the only building on Venus and is owned by a record-label owner who happens to be the God of Guns.

A turn based bullet hell roguelike
An excellent tactical shooter! A bit like Hotline Miami.
It gives you this feeling of "it's hard but I can beat it, let's just play one last game..." 😄
Knowledge of the power-ups & enemies is also vital in order to judiciously pick the right weapons to face the next level (damn spiders), which means you get better at it the more you discover the game, and I like that!
Let's arrange the rooms and escape! There are two ENDs
A local co-op puzzle game for two buds.
Un jeu très, très court mais fort sympathique !

A local multiplayer brawler game about hitting frogs with baseball bats.
Influences include Samurai Gunn, Lethal League and the Smash series.
Un brawler très réussi, pour 2 à 4 joueurs, grâce auquel j'ai beaucoup rigolé avec un ami, et que je compte bien tester bientôt à 3 ou 4 !
Embody a giraffe and play volleyball !
Local multiplayer with split keyboard or gamepads !
Un gameplay ultra simple & efficace, hérité de Blobby Volley.
Seul petit bémol : il y a une zone inaccessible à l'extrémité droite du terrain, qui désavantage un peu la girafe de ce côté.

a multiplayer sports game with kitchen equipment and lots of toasted bread
Un jeu vraiment très fun où l'on joue des grill-pains qui s'affrontent façon PONG sur un ring. La prise en main est excellente et la palette de mouvements et de modes de jeu très complètes. Les développeurs ont vraiment poussé le délire très loin, de manière très drôle !
La démo permet d'y jouer à 2 joueurs, en duel, mais la version complète permet de jouer jusqu'à 4.

Each player has a team of three cubes but can only control one at a time! Cubes get tired from running so you'll need to switch between them to break away, defend, and set up plays.
Un très sympathique jeu de football pour 2 joueurs, en duel

Un FPS étrange, où vous devez rassembler une liste d'ingrédients dans un monde cauchemardesque...

A western shoot-em-up where your hearts are your everything. Shoot through enemies and rock with your hp, and use it to buy awesome powerups from the shop. Delay your inevitable Demise.

you wake up in a maze and you need to find your way out. You fight enemies, explore the map, collect items and manage your resources (such as bullets, water, grass, tea).
There's also an "energy" mechanic, you only get 32 steps before running out of energy and getting reset to your starting location - so keep an eye out for shortcuts, loops and secrets. Drinking tea also refills your energy.
A short puzzle-exploration game (<30min) that I enjoyed very much!
Another nice chess-based short indie video game.
The gameplay is fun & original, simple but very efficient!
The music is also great, and I liked how the storytelling explain the "2 extra lives/jokers".
The only minor pain point is the huge difficulty variation due to the randomnes of the levels grids.
A cooperative, GM-less game of squishy humans vs. aliens. Inspired by XCOM and classic D&D-style dungeon crawls.
Je vous recommande ce micro-JdR inspiré du jeu vidéo X-COM : nous l'avons testé récemment avec 2 amis et on s'est bien amusé le temps d'une session de 2-3h en soirée.
Il s'agit clairement d'un jeu simulationniste bien plus qu'un jeu de rôle (un peu comme Dungeon Heart), mais il est très amusant d'enchainer les courtes missions en tentant de faire survire et évoluer son frêle petit soldat humain 👽🔫💀
Today I made a small addition to a Javascript library I sometimes use to generate nonograms.
This tool can now build a solvable grid in the form of a valid QR Code that, once decoded, reveals some text:
To find more about it: Nonogram JS demo page.
Note that I've …
ULTRAKILL is a fast-paced ultraviolent retro FPS combining the skill-based style scoring from character action games with unadulterated carnage inspired by the best shooters of the '90s. Rip apart your foes with varied destructive weapons and shower in their blood to regain your health.
The demo is free and the game is great, especially if you liked Quake III Arena and would like a solo challenge.
The developper is a Finnish game design student:
He has been interviewed here:

Descend into the unknown in Shroom and Gloom a first person, dungeon-crawling, deck-building tale of mushrooms and madness.
I ❤️ that game!
First time I played it, I did not expect much. I played a few runs, for a bit more than an hour, than removed it from my computer. But then, a few days later, I wished to play it again... And now I think I finally beat it!
The game has a great atmosphere, its artistic direction is very nice, and above all, the game mechanics are very well balanced! It reminded me of Slay the Spire on how it achieves the perfect balance to make you want to try it again one more time 😊
EDIT: Decks & Daggers is also pretty good, with also a deck-building/fighting gameplay

Against the Wall is a videogame in its prototype stage. It is set against the side of a wall that stretches infinitely in every direction. The player must travel up the wall by manipulating its bricks, pulling them partially out of the wall to create ledges and staircases using a magic wand.
Against the Wall was developed during the Ludum Dare #20
Il s'agit d'un jeu d'exploration-énigme à la 1ère personne pour Windows. Le développement du jeu semble abandonné, après avoir duré de 2011 à 2016, mais j'ai adoré tester ce prototype. L'univers est assez vide mais réserve une petite surprise. Arriver au bout de cette démo mettra votre patience à rude épreuve, mais j'ai personnellement adoré l'expérience
Ce jeu m'a un peu rappelé DUE de Rubeki

IVOR is a fast-paced shooter set in a Norse-inspired world. Find brutal weapons and rip through your foes. Keep moving, as death comes swiftly to those who hesitate.