the image in this tweet is also a valid ZIP archive, containing a multipart RAR archive, containing the complete works of Shakespeare.
Source code. This one is also a PDF : SOURCE.PDF.ZIP.JPG
Awesome trick ! And the source code is in Python
Très bon jeu coop, je recommande chaudement !
Des joueurs plus ou moins bons, des maîtres du jeu plus ou moins patients, pour des parties de jeu de rôle épiques qui inspireront des films plus ou moins mémorables.
Un concept génial, une réalisation excellente !
Le dernier épisode est sorti il y a 3 jours, basé sur le film Guardians of the Galaxy, et je recommande chaudement ;)
Une courte série animée à mourir de rire :)
Une série créée par Brice Chevillard et Nicolas AthanéProduite par David Alric / Bobby Prod avec la participation de France Télévisions.Avec les voix de Cécile Laforest (Anaïs), Karim Tougui (Morgan) et Laurent Nicolas (Claude le SDF).©Bobby Prod - 2017
Almost a year ago, GitHub introduced security alerts. They are an awesome feature.
They function as notifications you receive whenever a vulnerability affecting one of your project dependencies.
But long after receiving a notification, how to list all security alerts affecting your repositories ?
I didn't found an out-of-the box solution …
Micrometer provides a simple facade over the instrumentation clients for the most popular monitoring systems, allowing you to instrument your JVM-based application code without vendor lock-in. Think SLF4J, but for metrics.
Plus de la moitié des violations notifiées trouvent leur origine dans du piratage, des logiciels malveillants ou de l’hameçonnage.
- Use list markup to group your cards
- Make sure your cards don't break when lines of content wrap or images don't meet specific aspect ratio requirements
- Avoid too much functionality and reduce tab stops. Cards shouldn't be miniature web pages.
- Remember that headings should begin sections. Most everything that belongs to the section should follow the heading in the source.
Gérard Davet et Fabrice Lhomme se sont lancés dans une entreprise inédite : sélectionner cinq étudiants-journalistes pour un exercice grandeur nature. Ils ont un an pour écrire un livre d´enquête sur un sujet difficile : l´islamisation de la société française en Seine-Saint-Denis. Jour après jour, Gérard Davet et Fabrice Lhomme vont les guider, les encadrer, les aider à déjouer les fake-news, exiger de ces étudiants qu´ils se remettent en cause... qu´ils se confrontent au réél. Ils vont leur transmettre peu à peu les ficelles du métier, dévoiler les techniques, les coulisses de l´investigation. Comment jongler entre le «in» et le «off» ? Comment mener un entretien pour obtenir ce qu´on cherche ? Pour dévoiler ce qui est caché, la fin justifie-t-elle toujours les moyens ? Et faut-il, pour dévoiler la face sombre, ignorer ce qui marche ? Bref comment porter la plume dans la plaie, selon la devise la plus célèbre de la presse ?
Très bon documentaire. J'ai beaucoup aimé la manière dont Gérard et Fabrice transmettent leur expérience de reporters passionnés
I participated in this year's js13kGames, a JavaScript game development competition with a file size limit of 13kb, including code, assets and everything else. My entry was Underrun, a twin stick shooter using WebGL.
Very detailed and insightful post-mortem on the winning game of the js13kGames competition !
Reminds me of Fabien Sanglard game architetcure reviews, except it's from the author himself :)
I opted to render the player character as a sprite as well, even though it needs to be freely rotated. It was far easier to produce 8 different sprites – one for each direction – than to implement a loader and renderer for complex 3D models. [...] The game never needs to rotate any geometry. [...] To make the player character rotation look convincing I build a 3D model and simply took screenshots for each of the different perspectives. I'm a total doofus when it comes to 3D modeling software, but that doesn't stop me from using the ingenious Wings3D. The result doesn't look like much, but scaled down to 16px, it doesn't matter.
(click on the title to access full article on
tl;dr limitations & pitfalls:
- Eventual Consistency : that queue between the write and read model can fill up
- Whole system fallacy : CQRS is not an architectural pattern and should not be applied to a whole system
- Task based UIs : they focus their design on the user intent.[...] your events will be based on a SomethingCreated or SomethingUpdated which has no business value at all. If the events are being designing like this then it is clear you’re not using DDD at all and you’re better of without event sourcing
- Event schema : managing these changes is one of the most complex and error prone drawbacks associated with event sourcing. A strategy should be prepared upfront and considered on the system design.
- Event granularity : have your commands and events reflecting the intent of the user staying true to DDD [...] it’s very easy to choose the wrong design.
- Operation flexibility : to undo an action means sending the command with the opposite action. It is harder to affect multiple entities and requires a knowledge of the system, not like SQL that everyone knows
List of date-fns or native functions which you can use to replace moment.js + ESLint Plugin
Here’s the full list:
- 🕹️ Features
- 🐞 Stability
- ⚡ Performance
- 🎁 Package Ecosystem
- 🌎 Community
- 👶 Learning Curve
- 📖 Documentation
- 🔧 Tooling
- 🏛️ Track Record
- 👫 Team
- ⚖️ Compatibility
- 📈 Momentum
- To stay fast, only load JavaScript needed for the current page. Prioritize what a user will need and lazy-load the rest with code-splitting.
- Embrace performance budgets and learn to live within them. For mobile, aim for a JS budget of < 170KB minified/compressed. Budgets are critical to success, however, they can’t magically fix perf in isolation. Team culture, structure and enforcement matter.
- Learn how to audit and trim your JavaScript bundles. There’s a high chance you’re shipping full-libraries when you only need a fraction
- Every interaction is the start of a new ‘Time-to-Interactive’; consider optimizations in this context. Transmission size is critical for low-end mobile networks and JavaScript parse time for CPU-bound devices.
- If client-side JavaScript isn’t benefiting the user-experience, ask yourself if it’s really necessary
Using a nice trick, with html2canvas
, to get the pixel information at a particular location of a rendered HTML element
The TOAST UI Grid is a component that can display, edit, add, and delete multiple data.
You can append units to the data shown and use html to represent images and links instead of textual data.
you can use tree data to represent them in a hierarchy
Comment fait-on pour vivre avec un secret ? Comment vit-on avec un sexe qui a été décidé pour nous, opéré pour le conformer aux normes dès la naissance ? Comment se construit-on avec cette différence ? M (27 ans) vit en France où l’intersexuation est encore prise en charge comme une pathologie qu’il faut traiter et réparer. Cette part d’elle-même est taboue. Pour en sortir, M répond à Deborah (25 ans), née comme elle intersexuée, qui cherche des témoignages sur le sujet pour son travail de mémoire en études de genre à l’université de Lausanne, en Suisse. Une correspondance démarre entre elles qui va complètement changer leur vie.
Le film propose une réflexion sur la manière dont les personnes intersexuées cherchent à se réapproprier leur corps et à construire leur identité. Il interroge ce que nos sociétés occidentales sont prêtes à faire au nom des normes sociales et ce que signifie être un homme, une femme ou un peu des deux…
Très, très beau documentaire
A SaaS company like Dropbox needs to update our systems constantly, at all levels of the stack. When it comes time to tune some piece of infrastructure, roll out a new feature, or set up an A/B test, it’s important that we can make changes and have them hit production fast.
Stormcrow feature gates :
- Are rolled out to production within 10 minutes of being changed.
- Can be used across all Dropbox systems, from low-level infrastructure to product features on web, desktop or mobile.
- Provide advanced targeting capabilities, including the ability to segment users based on data in our analytics warehouse.
pyecharts is a wrapper around echarts, a library developped by Baidu [...] the gallery, it is quite impressive.
The Python wrapper used some technics such as modules to automatically converts Python code into Javascript:javascripthon
Great advice from Trisha Gee on J8 features and how to code-review code which uses them