The idea was to push the concept of generated favicons far and beyond and pack a thrilling retro shooter in 16×16 pixels.
Damn, I just got the very same idea today !
Well done Mathieu 'p01' Henri.
- Use list markup to group your cards
- Make sure your cards don't break when lines of content wrap or images don't meet specific aspect ratio requirements
- Avoid too much functionality and reduce tab stops. Cards shouldn't be miniature web pages.
- Remember that headings should begin sections. Most everything that belongs to the section should follow the heading in the source.
I participated in this year's js13kGames, a JavaScript game development competition with a file size limit of 13kb, including code, assets and everything else. My entry was Underrun, a twin stick shooter using WebGL.
Very detailed and insightful post-mortem on the winning game of the js13kGames competition !
Reminds me of Fabien Sanglard game architetcure reviews, except it's from the author himself :)
I opted to render the player character as a sprite as well, even though it needs to be freely rotated. It was far easier to produce 8 different sprites – one for each direction – than to implement a loader and renderer for complex 3D models. [...] The game never needs to rotate any geometry. [...] To make the player character rotation look convincing I build a 3D model and simply took screenshots for each of the different perspectives. I'm a total doofus when it comes to 3D modeling software, but that doesn't stop me from using the ingenious Wings3D. The result doesn't look like much, but scaled down to 16px, it doesn't matter.
List of date-fns or native functions which you can use to replace moment.js + ESLint Plugin
Here’s the full list:
- 🕹️ Features
- 🐞 Stability
- ⚡ Performance
- 🎁 Package Ecosystem
- 🌎 Community
- 👶 Learning Curve
- 📖 Documentation
- 🔧 Tooling
- 🏛️ Track Record
- 👫 Team
- ⚖️ Compatibility
- 📈 Momentum
- To stay fast, only load JavaScript needed for the current page. Prioritize what a user will need and lazy-load the rest with code-splitting.
- Embrace performance budgets and learn to live within them. For mobile, aim for a JS budget of < 170KB minified/compressed. Budgets are critical to success, however, they can’t magically fix perf in isolation. Team culture, structure and enforcement matter.
- Learn how to audit and trim your JavaScript bundles. There’s a high chance you’re shipping full-libraries when you only need a fraction
- Every interaction is the start of a new ‘Time-to-Interactive’; consider optimizations in this context. Transmission size is critical for low-end mobile networks and JavaScript parse time for CPU-bound devices.
- If client-side JavaScript isn’t benefiting the user-experience, ask yourself if it’s really necessary
Using a nice trick, with html2canvas
, to get the pixel information at a particular location of a rendered HTML element
The TOAST UI Grid is a component that can display, edit, add, and delete multiple data.
You can append units to the data shown and use html to represent images and links instead of textual data.
you can use tree data to represent them in a hierarchy
pyecharts is a wrapper around echarts, a library developped by Baidu [...] the gallery, it is quite impressive.
The Python wrapper used some technics such as modules to automatically converts Python code into Javascript:javascripthon
Record, replay, and stub HTTP interactions.
- 🚀 Fetch & XHR Support
- ⚡️️ Simple, Powerful, & Intuitive API
- 💎 First Class Mocha & QUnit Test Helpers
- 🔥 Intercept, Pass-Through, and Attach Events
- 📼 Record to Disk or Local Storage
- ⏱ Slow Down or Speed Up Time
Voici une petite dépêche que j'ai écrite sur le site LinuxFr :
What are those diagrams ?
They show dependencies between the internal modules of various well-known Python libraries.
They goal is to provide a global overview of a Python project architecture, as a map of modules & packages, the top-level code abstractions.
Note that all …
Rough.js is a light weight (~8k), Canvas based library that lets you draw in a sketchy, hand-drawn-like, style. The library defines primitives to draw lines, curves, arcs, polygons, circles, and ellipses. It also supports drawing SVG paths.
Transpiling JS code with BabelJS & a Makefile, with integration for Flow JS static types annotations
This page contains a collection of small computer programs which implement one-player puzzle games. All of them run natively on Unix (GTK), on Windows, and on Mac OS X. They can also be played on the web, as Java or Javascript applets.
It is all distributed under the MIT licence.
There are other solvers (e.g. in Python) on GitHub
My improved fork:
Alt in JS:
Alt in Ruby: