4359 shaares
You use it like this:
$ scarr init -domain falafel.exposed -name falafelexposed
$ cd falafelexposed
$ vim scarr.yml # Edit a few fields here
$ echo "<html>The deadly secret of falafel</html>" > index.html
$ AWS_PROFILE=scarr scarr deploy
... a bunch of aws stuff happens automatically ...
$ curl https://falafel.exposed
<html>The deadly secret of falafel</html>
What it's doing under the hood is:
- Registers the given domain through route53 (prompts to confirm this)
- Creates a TLS certificate through ACM
- Uses route53 DNS to validate that certificate
- Creates an S3 bucket
- Creates a Cloudfront distribution pointed to that S3 bucket using the ACM certificate
- Creates an apex dns record pointing to that Cloudfront
- Syncs the current directory to that S3 bucket and invalidates the Cloudfront cache.