An open-source book on JavaScript Design Patterns
clj-webdriver - Clojure API for Selenium-WebDriver
enlive - a selector-based (à la CSS) templating and transformation system for Clojure
GNU ease.js Manual v0.2.4
Inspired by the 2015 New Year's Resolution thread, I've been meaning to take increase my Python competency by taking on more ambitious projects....
In this article, Gion Kunz explains how to use Chartist to create your own beautiful responsive charts. You’ll learn some key concepts of Chartist, how to easily extend it and also some advanced features, like responsive configuration overrides and the animation API.
Only 10KB (gzip) with no dependencies!
libCello Official Website
coz - Coz: Causal Profiling
Valgrind is one of the most misunderstood tools I know of in my community. Valgrind is ...
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