Highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your web pages.
Recent postings from Python-related blogs.
Beautiful Separation of Concerns I was going to write a nice narrative about how I wrote some beautiful code, but I’m just going to show it to you. I’d hate for my message to get drowned out in some...
error-prone - Catch common Java mistakes as compile-time errors
supporting-python-3 - Supporting Python 3
Bacon.js is a functional reactive programming library for javascript.
What does it means when some tool or framework has literally dozens of guides, pages long each? It probably means that it is popular, or complicated to use. Usually, both. That’s the story of Maven Central (a.k.a. Central Repository, a.k.a. repo1, a.k.a. ibiblio). Of course, there is a better alternative nowadays - Bintray is already…
I'm working on an ongoing project and it's ready for GUI development now so I've never used tkinter before and I'm curious as too how good the...
finagle - A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
There are many common pitfalls when it comes to writing memory-efficient and fast code. JavaScript engines such as Google’s V8 (Chrome, Node) are specifically designed for the fast execution of large JavaScript applications.
Javascript rants and findings, by kangax