Visualize your JS-like regex as a graph
Nice and fast platformer, short and not too hard, with big pixels
Using asyncio.Task.all_tasks
+ tracemalloc
"Devs should be able to run entire env locally. Anything else is just a sign of bad tooling"
"pre-production testing is a best effort verification of a small subset of the guarantees of a system and often can prove to be grossly insufficient for long running systems with protean traffic patterns"
"The writing and running of tests is not a goal in and of itself — EVER. We do it to get some benefit for our team, or the business"
"there are coverage based fuzzers like afl as well as tools like the address sanitizer, thread sanitizer, memory sanitizer, undefined behavior sanitizer and the leak sanitizer to name a few."
"This was but one example of a system that didn’t stand much to benefit from integration testing and where monitoring has worked much better."
While developing a new project is like rolling on a green field for you, maintaining it is a potential dark twisted nightmare for someone else. Here's a list of guidelines we've found, written and gathered that (we think) works really well with most JavaScript projects here at hive. If you want to share a best practice, or think one of these guidelines should be removed, feel free to share it with us.
Found from:
Le GDPR (ou RGPD en français) est le nouveau règlement européen en matière de protection des données personnelles. Pas d’inquiétude, je ne vais pas faire de présentation complète du sujet! C’est indigeste et je ne suis pas coutumier des gros dossiers. Il s’agit d’un article de vulgarisation, il y a des raccourcis et des approximations, l’objectif est de donner un aperçu grossier de ce que la GDPR implique.
vendor-neutral open source library for metric collection and tracing. OpenCensus is built to add minimal overhead and be deployed fleet wide, especially for microservice-based architectures.
OpenCensus currently supports Prometheus, SignalFX, Stackdriver, Zipkin, Datadog, and Azure App Insights.
A single set of libraries for many languages, including Java, C++, Go, .Net, Python, PHP, Node.js, Erlang, and Ruby.
This site aims to provide simplest possible examples of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Essential cross-platform UI components for React Native
EaseJS (for canvas) + TweenJS + SoundJS + PreloadJS
On « découvre » aujourd’hui le concept marketing d’entreprise « libérée », mais l’aventure FAVI a plus de 30 ans. Celle de Goretex, près de 40. [...] Pourquoi donc, ces préceptes qui semblent si naturels (confiance, autonomie, vision) ne sont-ils pas davantage appliqués ? Parce que l’entreprise qui ne devrait se consacrer qu’au client est aussi le lieu des luttes de pouvoir
Intéressant. Je me méfie quand même des histoires comme celle de "Christine". Et même s'il est véridique, ce beau conte est avant tout un procédé rhétorique pour convaincre.
Je serais curieux de savoir s'il existe des études sur le bien-être émotionnel des employés de FAVI.
PRPL is a pattern for structuring and serving Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), with an emphasis on the performance of app delivery and launch. It stands for:
- Push critical resources for the initial URL route.
- Render initial route.
- Pre-cache remaining routes.
- Lazy-load and create remaining routes on demand.
Si l’on reprend la description officielle : « La FLOSSCon ( Free/Libre/OpenSource Software Conference ) est un événement libre et non commercial organisé par l’association FLOSSITA ( FLOSS in the Alps ) pour des communautés et des utilisateurs de solutions logicielles libres et Open Source et ceux qui veulent les découvrir.
His galery includes some awesome Dishonored 2 loading screens
Les enseignes vivent à l’heure des soldes et de la consommation frénétique. En négligeant les impacts sociaux et environnementaux de l’industrie mondiale de l’habillement, dont la production a doublé depuis l’an 2000.
It is like a Feedly, but for Release Notes
Can parse many formats, including changelogs, and generate a RSS feed.
An alternative to Sibbell :
As any photographer will tell you, high dynamic range photography is the right way to solve your problem. And, as any businessperson will tell you, Microsoft Excel is the right platform to implement your solution. So, obviously, the next step is to implement HDR in a spreadsheet.
How To Test a spring.datasource.url
like jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/my_table
git clone && cd sqlline
mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
cp .../mysql-connector-java-5.1.40.jar target/
export CLASSPATH=$PWD/target/sqlline-1.4.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar:$PWD/target/mysql-connector-java-5.1.40.jar
!connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/my_table $user $password