A simple, easy to use PowerShell script to remove pre-installed apps from Windows, disable telemetry, remove Bing from Windows search as well as perform various other changes to declutter and improve your Windows experience. This script works for both Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Source : https://sebsauvage.net/links/?x0Sh8Q
A vaporwave css framework
CSS classes to make a web page look like Windows 95.
GitHub repo: https://github.com/torch2424/aesthetic-css
Downloads any free app and its dependencies from the Microsoft store.
Very useful if you cannot access the Microsoft store on a computer.
Usage example, to install the HEIF image codec to handle .avif images (hope you know what you are doing):
powershell -c "Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted"
powershell .\Download-AppxFromStore.ps1 https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/extensions-dimage-heif/9PMMSR1CGPWG
powershell -c "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned"
Then run the installer program downloaded.
Dans cet article, nous allons voir comment craquer une archive chiffrée protégée par un mot de passe en utilisant :
- L’attaque à clair connu de Biham et Kocher sur des archives Zip (PKZIP) basées sur la méthode de chiffrement ZipCrypto Store (peut être étendu à ZipCrypto Deflate).
- Une attaque classique par liste de mots sur d’autres archives chiffrées telle que les archives Zip (WinZip) basées sur la méthode de chiffrement AES (128,192,256), 7-Zip ou encore RAR.
Pour réaliser cette attaque, il faut au moins 12 octets de texte en clair connu et au moins 8 d’entre eux doivent être contigus. Plus le texte connu contigu est grand, plus l’attaque est rapide.
This year, researcher David Buchanan tried to implement parallel decoding using the iDOT information. During development, he made a simple programming mistake and ended up making a wonderful discovery. He could create a PNG file with platform-dependent rendering. It looked one way on Windows, Linux, Firefox, and Chrome, and a different way on a Mac with default Apple applications, like the Safari web browser. (He found that Apple had implemented the same bug!) Buchanan provided two sample pictures (Hello World and computers) to demonstrate this per-platform rendering. It didn't take long for other people to use his code and generate other examples. Many of these images were uploaded to FotoForensics:
Perhaps the most popular (or infamous) example of a shell namespace extension is the Compressed Folders extension, which handles the exploration of ZIP files. [...] Unfortunately, the code hasn’t really been updated in a while. A long while. The timestamp in the module claims it was last updated on Valentine’s Day 1998, and while I suspect there may’ve been a fix here or there since then (and one feature, extract-only Unicode filename support), it’s no secret that the code is, as Raymond Chen says: “stuck at the turn of the century.”
Unfortunately, there are degenerate cases where the ZIP Folders support really is broken. I ran across one of those yesterday. [...] Windows spent well over a minute showing “Calculating…” with no visible progress beyond the creation of a single subfolder with a single 5k file within. Huh? I knew that the ZIP engine beneath ZIP Folders wasn’t well-optimized, but I’d never seen anything this bad before. After waiting a few more minutes, another file extracted, this one 6.5 mb. This is bananas.
After some small reads from the end of the file (where the ZIP file keeps its index), the entire 11 million byte file was being read from disk a single byte at a time:
Si vous faites partie, comme moi, de ces étranges individus à ne pas posséder de smartphone en 2021, mais que l'envie de jouer à Unlock! vous démange comme vous adorez les jeux de piste & d'énigme, j'ai la solution pour vous !
Peut-être n'avez simplement pas de smartphone sous la main, chargé …
Canary tokens are a free, quick, painless way to help defenders discover they've been breached (by having attackers announce themselves.)
Embeddable in :
- fake URLs ending in .html, .js, .php...
- emails to detect if you are spied on
- files in the cloud
- as file watchs do detect spies on filesystems
- desktop.ini for Windows directories or zip files
- Word / PDF documents
- a JS resource is used elsewhere
Pour vous donner un exemple de la vulnérabilité des outils comme la messagerie Outlook, en 2016, l’Annudef’ (l’annuaire du ministère de la Défense) a été téléchargé deux fois et on ne sait toujours pas par qui.
In the last years, cmder became my default console when I needed a cmd.exe
-compatible Windows console.
Very often, I have a cmder
window with a set of tabs under my standard Windows user, and another that I launch as admi, to switch on/off some services, e.g …
What do you think of the following innocuous Python code ?
from gevent import monkey
monkey.patch_all(thread=False, select=False)
import requests
Guess what ? The string message will never get printed :(
Simply remove the monkey.patch_all
line and you'll …
In any UNIX shell, the following will always work out of the box:
browserify src/main/lib/js/*.js > out-bundle.js
But of course, not under Windows.
And browserify
does not accept directory names as primary parameter, nor wildcard globbing patterns. There is a pending issue & pull request aiming to …
First, lets mention Git Bash (aka msysgit) : the old version was a PITA to extend with additional packages (e.g. adding common C libs like libxml), and the new one (renamed Git for Windows), is based on MSYS2, but does not include a package manager.
Hence, we were left with …
Procédure à suivre pour réparer WindowsUpdate quand les mises à jour système de Windows ne fonctionnent plus : blocage des téléchargements, échec des
Greenshot allows quick creation of screenshots, easy annotation, highlighting and obfuscating using the built-in image editor and sending the screenshot to a file, the clipboard, a printer or as e-mail attachment.
Cette après-midi, j'ai enfin résolu un problème d'installation de Microsoft .NET Framework qui datait de presque un an.
Dans l'espoir que ça puisse aider quelqu'un qui rencontre la même erreur, et parce que j'ai appris à utiliser un outil intéressant au passage, je me fends d'un petit article de blog …
Recover or reinstall Windows 7 purchased through a retailer. Simply download a Windows 7 ISO file or disc image and then create a USB or DVD for installation.
Sandboxie - Sandbox security software for Windows. Install and run programs in a virtual sandbox environment without writing to the hard drive.