Weekly Shaarli

All links of one week in a single page.

Week 35 (August 26, 2024)

Homepage | European Alternatives

European Alternatives is a project that collects and analyzes European alternatives to digital services and products, such as cloud services and SaaS products. We regularly receive advice and suggestions from European Alternatives users, so feel free to reach out!

  • Web analytics services
  • Cloud computing platforms
  • Content delivery network (CDN) services
  • Email providers
  • Virtual private server (VPS) hosters
  • Search engines
  • Transactional email service
  • Domain name registrars
  • Time tracking apps
  • Navigation apps
  • Uptime monitoring services
  • File hosting services
  • Machine translation services
  • Object storage providers
  • Microblogging services
  • VPN services
  • Managed DNS providers
  • Professional networking platforms
  • Function as a service (FaaS) providers
  • Platform as a service (PaaS) providers
  • Error tracking services
  • Electronic signature software
  • Public DNS resolvers
  • Payment service providers
  • Captcha services
  • Spelling and grammar checkers
  • Password managers
  • Instant messaging apps
  • Version control services
  • Identity and access management (IAM) services
  • Live chat software
  • Web browsers
  • Video conferencing software
  • Document collaboration services
  • Calendar services
  • Email marketing services
  • Font services
  • WordPress hosting providers
  • Team communication services
  • Managed Kubernetes services
  • Video hosting services
  • Video platforms
  • Maps API services
  • Tag management systems
  • DDoS protection services
  • Session recording tools
  • ACME SSL certificate providers
  • Survey tools
  • Marketing automation software
  • Project Management Software
  • SMS APIs
Command Line Interface Guidelines

An open-source guide to help you write better command-line programs, taking traditional UNIX principles and updating them for the modern day.

Que se passe-t-il avec Telegram et l'arrestation de Pavel Durov ? - Numerama

Le fondateur et dirigeant de Telegram, Pavel Durov, est détenu en France à la surprise générale. Il a été interpellé près de Paris alors qu’il venait d’arriver avec son jet privé. L’arrestation du patron de l’une des applications les plus utilisées au monde, notamment en Ukraine et en Russie, provoque depuis de nombreux commentaires, y compris sur le thème de la liberté d’expression.

Telegram est l’objet de reproches de laxisme, en raison des activités illégales qui ont été décelées sur le service.

L’arrestation de Pavel Durov parce que Telegram ne modère pas assez sa plateforme suscite une certaine circonspection chez plusieurs analystes et commentateurs. D’aucuns se demandent si d’autres enjeux n’entrent pas aussi en ligne de compte, en raison du rôle particulier du service en matière de désinformation, influence et propagande.

"We ran out of columns" - The best, worst codebase

My first job was a trial by fire, to this day, that codebase remains the worst and the best codebase I ever had the pleasure of working in.
[...] I hope I can share with you some of its most fun and scary stories.

I mean a database table called calendar. What did it contain? A manually filled-out calendar.
When asking our resident shaman (who went by the name Munch), he informed me that when the calendar runs out we can't login to the system.
