Weekly Shaarli
Week 09 (February 26, 2024)
Full stop: You are never too old to learn about security. Whether you are looking for a late-in-life occupational change or just a new hobby, you can always learn this as a new skill.
Where to Start?
Hands On
In order to preserve the opacity/transparency of the layer while using the bucket fill tool, you can click the "Lock Transparency" button in the layers dialog.
There already are multiple blogging solutions which are part of the Fediverse.
ActivityPub, the network protocol behind the Fediverse can only be fully implemented by means of an active server component: Among other things, incoming messages delivered to inboxes have to be processed. Sometimes they need to be forwarded, and outgoing messages need to be signed.
Nevertheless I wanted to figure out, which parts of the ActivityPub protocol can be implemented in a purely static website, and how well other servers in the Fediverse interact with it. My goal was to attach this blog to the Fediverse. The blog is generated using the static site generator software Pelican.
A splendid paper fold that you make from a simple square of paper, and decorate yourself!
I found this template on sale online (for $8.50) very handy to craft a custom version using digital tools: https://www.leaplingstudio.com/product-page/downloadable-valentine-s-puzzle-purse-template
I also found those folding instructions also very handy: https://royalmail500years.blob.core.windows.net/media/1696/rmg-valentines-template-instructions.pdf