Weekly Shaarli

All links of one week in a single page.

Week 04 (January 22, 2024)

An Overview of Software Supply Chain Security

A breakdown of what constitutes the software supply chain and how to secure each stage

Software Supply-Chain (SCC) attacks has become so critical that it has been driven by the government. The Biden Administration, in its second year in office, released an executive order on SSC risks. This has created a tailwind that has led to a proliferation of companies aiming to protect the supply chain and enable companies to comply with this legislation.

Bundling software components and dependencies into a deployable format and distributing it for installation on target systems. We discuss Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), code provenance and signatures, and artifact repositories.

Outcore | Doctor Shinobi

All you wanted was a nice game. But now you find yourself opening Windows apps like Paint & Notepad to solve puzzles, and searching for files on your computers that you didn't put there... Who is she? Why did she appear on your desktop? Let's dive into her memories and find out.

A really nice free game, that is a mix of several genres : logic puzzles, platformer, clicker...

Renard'eau - Animation nature & contes

Originaire de l’Anjou, j'ai exercé pendant 15 ans en tant qu'animatrice/éducatrice à l’environnement dans différentes associations environnementales, culturelles et de loisirs (CPIE, Les Petits Débrouillards, Accueils Collectifs de Mineurs…)
J’interviens aussi bien auprès de public enfants (à partir de 3 ans), adolescents, adultes ou séniors. Mes ateliers peuvent se dérouler en milieu scolaire, dans des lieux culturels, à l'occasion d'événements…

Blades in the Dark - Gang Personality Quiz - What type of gang do you lead?

This quiz is designed for players to answer it collectively by the players, in order to define some aspects of their gang, do some world-building and build up some shared visual imaginary.

Ce quiz est conçu pour que les joueurs y répondent collectivement, afin de définir certains aspects de leur gang, de faire du world-building et de se construire un imaginaire visuel commun.

Il n'est pas forcément nécessaire de l'employer en début de campagne, cela peut être proposé simplement en début de session, pour se "remettre dans le bain" des sessions précédentes.