Weekly Shaarli

All links of one week in a single page.

Week 23 (June 5, 2023)

Lambda Cold Starts and Bootstrap Code


  • AWS Lambda execution environment is a micro virtual machine (or microVM) based on Firecracker
  • the init code will execute faster than your handler code
  • at 3008 MB [...] the Lambda function handler gets two unthrottled vCPUs
  • Conclusion: by following best practices and moving as much code as possible to the Lambda's bootstrap, these functions will run more efficiently (and thus cheaper) in two ways:
    1. The bootstrap code will only execute once per (hopefully) many Lambda invocations.
    2. When the bootstrap code gets executed, it will run faster than it would in the handler (for Lambda memory configurations up to 3 GB).
En vadrouille à 101 ans

Dominique Cavanna a 100 ans quand sa petite-fille Fiona va la chercher dans un établissement de soins, près de Paris. Les médecins ne lui donnent plus qu'une semaine à vivre. Entourée, elle reprend goût à la vie et fête en 2020 ses 103 ans lors d'un road trip en Europe de 15 000 km en camping-car.