Monthly Shaarli

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April, 2024

Prevent saves to Pinterest from your site

If you don't want people to save things to Pinterest from your website, just paste this code into the <head> section of any page on your site:

<meta name="pinterest" content="nopin" />

When someone tries to save things to Pinterest from your site, they'll see: "This site doesn't allow saving to Pinterest. Please contact the owner with any questions. Thanks for visiting!"

Setting up linters in Gitlab CI for C++ and Groovy / Jenkins code

A very short blog post to share some minimal code snippets on how to quickly and easily setup Gitlab CI pipelines to run static code analysis tools on C++ code and Jenkins pipelines (or any Groovy code).

Logos Gitlab-CI, CodeNarc & clang-tidy

research!rsc: Timeline of the xz open source attack

Over a period of over two years, an attacker using the name “Jia Tan” worked as a diligent, effective contributor to the xz compression library, eventually being granted commit access and maintainership. Using that access, they installed a very subtle, carefully hidden backdoor into liblzma, a part of xz that also happens to be a dependency of OpenSSH sshd on Debian, Ubuntu, and Fedora, and other systemd-based Linux systems that patched sshd to link libsystemd.
That backdoor watches for the attacker sending hidden commands at the start of an SSH session, giving the attacker the ability to run an arbitrary command on the target system without logging in: unauthenticated, targeted remote code execution.

The attack was publicly disclosed on March 29, 2024 and appears to be the first serious known supply chain attack on widely used open source software. It marks a watershed moment in open source supply chain security, for better or worse.

This post is a detailed timeline that I have constructed of the social engineering aspect of the attack, which appears to date back to late 2021.

Scandale des Usines à bébés - Commission d’enquête sur les crèches privées

Plusieurs grand groupes privés Babilou, Les petits chaperons rouges, People & Baby et La maison bleue ont été convoqué pour répondre aux révélations qui font suites à de nombreux témoignages et aux différents ouvrages sur le sujet.

On parle de maltraitance de mal nutrition de prime d'incitation a faire des économies sur les repas, d’auxiliaires en sous effectifs.

Lors de l'audition du président M. Jean-Emmanuel Rodocanachi fondateur de GRANDIR-Les Petits Chaperons rouges, il a affirmé être à initiative de cette prime et que si c'était a refaire il le referait, tout en précisant que jamais aucun enfant n'aurait manqué au sein de ses structures alors que centaines de témoignages font état de l'inverse.

Le député William Martinet fait aussi le lien dans son audition entre la présence d'anciens employés de chez McKinsey au sein des entreprises de la petite enfance.

research!rsc: Running the “Reflections on Trusting Trust” Compiler

In the lecture, Ken explains in three steps how to modify a C compiler binary to insert a backdoor when compiling the “login” program, leaving no trace in the source code. In this post, we will run the backdoored Go compiler using Ken’s actual code. But first, a brief summary of the important parts of the lecture.

A tricky pitfall of Promise.all() and a solution

This article aims to describe a tricky situation that can often occur when using Promise.all(), and a simple solution to this problem.

The context

The MDN page for Promise.all() provides the following description of this function:

The Promise.all() static method takes an iterable of promises as input …

Machine - Séries et fictions | ARTE

Une jeune marginale recherchée par les services secrets de l’armée est de retour dans sa ville natale. Embauchée dans une usine en pleine restructuration, elle met sa science du kung-fu au service de la lutte ouvrière. Série détonante, "Machine" mêle action et humour sur fond de colère sociale. Avec Margot Bancilhon et JoeyStarr.