Daily Shaarli

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April 5, 2023

Anna’s Archive

open-source non-profit search engine for shadow libraries, like Sci-Hub, Library Genesis, and Z-Library

🔍 Moteur de recherche des bibliothèques clandestines : livres, journaux, BD, magazines. ⭐️ Bibliothèque Z-Library, Bibliothèque Genesis, Sci-Hub. ⚙️ Entièrement résilient grâce à un code et à des données open source. ❤️ Faites passer le mot : tout le monde est le bienvenu ici !

Technical write-up on how they setup this: https://annas-blog.org/how-to-run-a-shadow-library.html

Let’s start with our tech stack. It is deliberately boring. We use Flask, MariaDB, and ElasticSearch. That is literally it. Search is largely a solved problem, and we don’t intend to reinvent it.

Source: @sebsauvage