Daily Shaarli

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February 13, 2020

#VNCFail : « vous reprendrez bien un peu de non sécurité ? »

Usine hydro-électrique, génératrice diesel, système d’aération, métro, silo, haut fourneau, système de production de bio-gaz ou d’eau potable… Tout y passe. Autant, les VNC d’avant, ça ne pouvait pas trop faire de dégat sinon la compromission de la machine en question, autant là on parle de systèmes qui peuvent conduire à des morts…

An Analysis of Early 1980s English Language Commercial TRPG Definitions | Analog Game Studies

My surprise was due to the persistent narrative that it was not until the 1990s that TRPGs shifted towards
“storytelling games – where plot and character were more important than exploration and combat.”
While it is undeniable that the 1990s saw the publication of several TRPGs that were explicitly marketed as
“storytelling games”, the importance of plot and character are clearly laid out in many of the games we examined,
often via the reference to novels, movies, and acting, as described earlier

Une analyse intéressante du paysage jeu-de-rologique des années 90.

I discovered this website through this excellent article by the way : Visual Design as Metaphor: The Evolution of a Character Sheet