I’ve always found it strange that Java is the most popular programming language on the planet yet actually getting stats out is extremely frustrating.
Store, publish and A/B test your website or app's content with prismic.io, use a simple API to display your content without traditional CMS programming and design constraints.
Features based development workflow Antonio De Marco Andrea Pescetti antonio@nuvole.org andrea@nuvole.org
Python 3.5 is coming up soon with async and await built-in keywords. Let's get excited with a couple of simple examples showing off how to use this new syntax.
crashreporter - Store and send crash reports directly to the devlopers
Orbit is a framework to write distributed systems using virtual actors on the JVM. It allows developers to write highly distributed and scalable applications while greatly simplifying clustering, discovery, networking, state management, actor lifetime and more.
webgrind - Xdebug Profiling Web Frontend in PHP
This in-depth tutorial outlines some best practices and accessibility challenges common to SPAs (and specifically Angular apps).
This is the companion slides for the AngularJS-IL meetup 9 talk - that took place on January 13 2015 @ Google campus TLV. Grab the code here: https://github.co…
Java 8 Resources (lambdas, method references, defender methods, streams) - Java 8 Cheatsheet
python-sdk - Facebook Platform Python SDK