Initiation ludique, pédagogique & gratuite à la programmation en Python !
Ce projet est issu d'une thèse en didactique de l'informatique de Matthieu Branthom portant sur l'enseignement-apprentissage de la programmation informatique dans l'enseignement secondaire
Découvert via @sebsauvage :
Un site pédagogique pour apprendre les bases de Python sous forme de jeu: notion de variables, exécution conditionnelle, boucles.
Et les équivalents Scratch sont même indiqués.
Ce cours a pour but de t’apprendre à parler le Python. Il s’agit d’un langage particulier — un langage de programmation — pour communiquer avec ton ordinateur afin de lui demander de réaliser des tâches précises (comme exécuter un calcul, récupérer des événements du clavier, afficher une image à l’écran, etc.), c’est-à-dire exécuter un programme informatique (un logiciel).
- Java 17
- Sealed Classes
- Pattern Matching for switch
- Java 16
- Record Classes
- Pattern Matching for instanceof
- Java 15
- Text Blocks
- Helpful NullPointerExceptions
- Java 14
- Switch Expressions
- Java 11
- Local-Variable Type Inference
- Java 9
- Allow private methods in interfaces
- Diamond operator for anonymous inner classes
- Allow effectively-final variables to be used as resources in try-with-resources statements
- Underscore is no longer a valid identifier name
- Improved Warnings
Transpiling JS code with BabelJS & a Makefile, with integration for Flow JS static types annotations
There are other solvers (e.g. in Python) on GitHub
- List Resizing : the backing array is grown by approximately 12% (in Java ArrayList grows by 50% when expanded2 and in Ruby, Array grows by 100%). The Python implementation optimizes for memory usage over speed. Another reason to preallocate Python lists when possible.
- Inserting at the beginning of a list takes linear time. Sometimes, better use Deques which trade constant time insert and remove from both ends in exchange for constant time indexing.
By Russel Cohen
Simple charts based on jQuery & Raphaël
GitHub-inspired simple and modern charts for the web with zero dependencies.
Online tool to add nice effects to photos
OSS Python script: (leetspeak for eval) is an online shell that allows you to run your code on my server.
Output from all released PHP and HHVM versions
Performance (time and memory) of every version
Correcteur grammatical open source dédié à la langue française, pour Writer (LibreOffice, OpenOffice), Firefox & Thunderbird.
mkdir grammalecte && cd grammalecte
fossil clone grammalecte.fossil && fossil open grammalecte.fossil
./ fr
PYTHONPATH=$PWD ./ -f tests/fr/text1.txt
ProximityHash: Geohashes in Proximity (with the option of compression using Georaptor)
Programmable communications Embed messaging, voice, video, and authentication in your apps with a simple and powerful API.
"Here you have a trivially simple method of injecting legit-looking messages into text conversations with anyone, providing you know how your target stores the spoofee sender in their contacts. In the UK, that’s largely the difference between starting with 07, and +447.
The utterly exquisite reality is that, if your target then replies, that reply goes to the real sender, who is overwhelmingly likely to reply something like “what the hell are you on about?”, this being the first they’ve heard of this shady business. Does that look like backtracking or denial? I ain’t no Member of Parliament, but it sure sounds like it to me."
Good browser compatibility & WAI-ARIA support
OMG: WebAssembly is a Lisp dialect !!! ->
"On February 28, the four major browsers announced their consensus that the MVP of WebAssembly is complete. Firefox turned WebAssembly support on-by-default about a week after that, and Chrome followed the next week. It is also available in preview versions of Edge and Safari."